1323 Holiday Stress Reduction Techniques

The holiday season is upon us once again, and ‘tis the season for fun, friends, family and festivities. Unfortunately, for many people, this time of year is also the season for insomnia, anxiety and stress. So I thought it would be a good time to talk about holiday...

10 Meditation Tips for Beginners

Meditation is a wonderful tool for decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety, and increasing feelings of peacefulness, contentedness and connectedness. It helps you stay present in the moment so that you can experience your life as it happens, rather than always being...

Get Meditating: Focus on the Flame

One of my goals for the remainder of the year is to get back to meditating on a regular basis. I know it’s one of the best things that I can do for my health and well-being, but you know what? When the going gets tough it’s, paradoxically, one of the first things that...

When Life Spins Out of Control

So here’s the scoop, for those of you who’ve been wondering where I’ve disappeared to and why there haven’t been any new posts in the last couple of weeks: my husband and I are splitting up, and I’ve been busy as all hell looking for a new place to live and making all...

1428 Energy Shifts and Law of Attraction

Today we’re talking about energy shifts and Law of Attraction. More specifically, we’re talking about why there is so often a time delay between wanting to make an energy shift and when it actually seems to happen. I think the main reason that trying to raise your...

1503 How to Banish Your Gremlins

Today we are taking about gremlins, those malicious little mental meanies that make us doubt ourselves and second-guess everything we’re trying to accomplish in our lives. Gremlins are just another form of Inner Critic. They’re not something we’re born with, but...

Get Up, Get Moving!

Like many people, one of my big goals for this year is to increase my fitness level.  For me, it's not about weight-loss, it's about increasing flexibility, muscle tone, strength and energy levels. (That last one is particularly important... when you have two small...

5 Reasons to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed

I hereby give you permission to succeed. I give you permission to want whatever it is that you want, and I give you permission to pour your heart and soul into making it happen. Why? Because so many people seem to think that they need permission in order to live their...

Creating an Annual Plan of Action

As the year draws to a close, it’s always a good idea to create an action plan for the coming year. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s absolutely critical that you take consistent action if you want to take that nebulous dream of yours and turn it into...

1707 How to Kick-Start Your Creativity

One of the frustrating things about being a creative type is the crazy up and down nature of inspiration. When you’re in a slump and can’t come up with any new ideas, you start to obsess about how to kick-start your creativity and get your creative mojo flowing again....
Enough With the Worst Case Scenarios!

Enough With the Worst Case Scenarios!

When you think about your biggest dreams and goals, do you have a tendency to dwell on the scary, negative things that could happen? All the worst case scenarios of things that might go wrong if you really let yourself go after what you really want? You're definitely...

1608 Your Family or Your Dream?

1608 Your Family or Your Dream?

Today we’re talking about whether being a parent means giving up on your dreams. Many parents, especially mothers, struggle with this conflict and wonder if being a good parent and being there for your kids means that you have to let go of the dream that’s still in...

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

In last week’s video, we talked about how women tend to sabotage their own success by tuning out the “whispers from within” that tell them what they’re meant to do in life. We learned the why of self-sabotage, but we were left with the bigger question of how to stop...

Why Women Sabotage Their Own Success

Why Women Sabotage Their Own Success

One of the most common consequences of the unresolved subconscious fears that most of us have surrounding our biggest dreams and goals is self-sabotage – that situation where we’ve been working on something for a while, and actually start seeing some results, and then...

You Can Have Results (Or You Can Have Excuses)

You Can Have Results (Or You Can Have Excuses)

I have a sticky note at the top of my laptop screen. It says: "you can have results or you can have excuses". It's my reminder that I am the only one who has the power to turn my dreams into reality, so if I want to see them happen, then I'm the one who has to...

1607 How to Make the World a Kinder Place

1607 How to Make the World a Kinder Place

Today’s topic is how to make the world a kinder place, but before we get into that, I just want to give you a quick heads-up and let you know about a cool giveaway! I was interviewed earlier this week by Kimberly Morand over at All Work & No Play Makes Mommy Go...

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Success

How to Program Your Subconscious Mind for Success

I've talked before about how you can use affirmations to help program your future, but did you know that you can also use simple psychology hacks to help program your subconscious mind for success, too? The first exercise I ask people to do in my new book, fearLESS:...

1606 Dreams Don’t Grow in Comfort Zones

1606 Dreams Don’t Grow in Comfort Zones

You can never become all that you could be unless you’re willing to give up what you currently are; unless you’re willing to give up that familiar sense of safety that comes from staying cocooned inside your comfort zone. Because here’s the thing: dreams don’t grow in...

Why Persistence is the Key to Success

Why Persistence is the Key to Success

One of the greatest predictors of an individual's ability to succeed in life is persistence: that "stick-to-it-ness" that allows people to get through the inevitable failures that happen on the road to success. One of the things I talk about in my new book, fearLESS:...

How to Deal With an Epic Failure

How to Deal With an Epic Failure

For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about failure and how to shift the way we think about it. But what do you do when you’re in the middle of it? How to deal with an epic failure and get yourself back on your feet when all you really want to do is crawl...

Why You Need to Be Patient With Your Failures

Why You Need to Be Patient With Your Failures

One of the most important dream-building skills anyone can learn is that of learning how to be patient with your failures.  Because one of the things you need to understand about failure is that it is inevitable. If you have a dream or a goal -- something that is...

1605 Go Where You Are Celebrated

1605 Go Where You Are Celebrated

Today we’re talking about the importance of finding the right kind of support when building your big dreams, and about why you need to go where you are celebrated, rather than trying to stick it out in a situation that no longer feels right for you. [powerpress] Now...

Why Failure is a Good Thing

Why Failure is a Good Thing

Have you ever had a big dream or a goal – something that you were really super-excited about, and every time you thought about it, it just fired you up and made you feel like anything was possible? So what happened? Why didn’t you go out there and do it? Was it maybe...

5 Reasons to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed

5 Reasons to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed

I hereby give you permission to succeed. I give you permission to want whatever it is that you want, and I give you permission to pour your heart and soul into making it happen. Why? Because so many people seem to think that they need permission in order to live their...

1603 Does Your Dream Scare You?

1603 Does Your Dream Scare You?

Today we’re talking about big dreams how to make them less intimidating. So the question I have for you today is this: does your dream scare you? Does the thought of the merest possibility of you actually manifesting this dream into your reality frighten you? Do you...

What Could You Do… IF

What Could You Do… IF

So often it happens that we put off doing what we most want to do in life because we’re afraid that we’re not good enough to pull it off; we’re afraid that the road to success will be more than we can handle, or that we’ll never be able to find that elusive path to...

Tuning In To What You Want

Tuning In To What You Want

One of the keys to creating the kind of life that you most want to live is clarity: being clear about what you want in the first place. It sounds so simple and so obvious, but clearly tuning in to what you want is something that trips up even the savviest conscious...

1603 Crazy Enough to Change the World

1603 Crazy Enough to Change the World

Today we’re talking about the kind of mindset necessary to build a dream and change your world. There’s a quote out there from Steve Jobs that I love, and he said that “it’s the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world who actually end up doing...

Everyone is Scared (So Don’t Let it Stop You!)

Everyone is Scared (So Don’t Let it Stop You!)

When you look at people like Richard Branson, or Arianna Huffington or Anthony Robbins or Warren Buffet or Oprah, what do you think, and how do you feel? These are all names that we associate with success. Massive success. Wealth. Power. Fame. We think they're...

What Makes a Life Extraordinary?

What Makes a Life Extraordinary?

One of the comments I sometimes get from people when they see the title of my new book (fearLESS: How to Conquer Your Fear, Stop Playing Small, and Start Living an Extraordinary Life You Love) is that they don’t really want an extraordinary life. They just want to...

1602 2 Keys to Manifesting a Dream

1602 2 Keys to Manifesting a Dream

Today we are talking about the two critical things that you need to take into account when it comes to manifesting a dream. With any big dream, there are going to be fears that will stand between you and what you want most, and in order to work your way through your...

The Road to fearLESS

The Road to fearLESS

For those who have been asking about what made me want to write a book, today's vlog post shares the story behind fearLESS: How to Conquer Your Fear, Stop Playing Small, and Start Living an Extraordinary Life You Love. The book launches on Amazon today, and I have to...

11 Habits to Adopt for a Fabulous Year

11 Habits to Adopt for a Fabulous Year

The New Year is underway and it’s a good time to think about everyday habits that we can implement to make this a fabulous year and kick-start our dream-building mojo. I’m not talking resolutions (I don’t do resolutions) but I am talking about simple little habits...

1601 How to Consciously Create Your Year

1601 How to Consciously Create Your Year

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome back and welcome to a brand-new season of the Vibe Shifting Show! Today we are talking about expectations and how to consciously create your year, and by extension, the kind of world that you most want. [powerpress] The Inside Creates...

Using Your Energetic Super-Powers to Create Your Year

Using Your Energetic Super-Powers to Create Your Year

Hello and Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I just love the energy at the beginning of a brand-new year. I love the endless possibilities that stretch out before me; the opportunity for change and to create something new, and the promise of a fresh start....

New Year, Big Changes

New Year, Big Changes

Happy New Year! Apologies for the tumbleweeds that have been blowing through the blog the past few weeks… I seriously underestimated how much time it would take to do all the techy stuff involved in finalizing the layout for the new book. (Understatement of the year…...

1539 How Important is Your Dream?

1539 How Important is Your Dream?

Today we are talking about commitment and what it really takes to be successful in achieving a goal. In other words, we’re asking the very important question: how important is your dream to you? And what are you willing to do in order to make it happen? [powerpress]...

How to Use Affirmations

How to Use Affirmations

Do affirmations work best when they are written or spoken? How often they should be used in a day? Are there any specific “rules” about how to use affirmations to make energy shifts and align yourself with what you want in life? Today’s questions come from an awesome...

Breaking Down the Walls

Breaking Down the Walls

I’m obsessed with Walk Off the Earth’s new song, “Rule the World’. It’s catchy. More than that, it makes me smile. How can you not like a song that talks about overcoming your fears and breaking down the walls that stand between you and your dreams? They say...

1538 How to Inspire Loyalty

1538 How to Inspire Loyalty

Today we are talking about leadership. More specifically, we’re asking: how do you inspire loyalty and get people to believe in and follow your vision? How do you get right people interested in what you’re doing, and then – even more importantly – keep them interested...

Intuitive Eating: Opting Out of the Food Wars

Intuitive Eating: Opting Out of the Food Wars

I was about twelve years old when I was diagnosed with anorexia. I was scandalized – all this work I’d done to lose all that horrible baby fat that made me “pleasantly plump”, and now I was being told that I had to stop dieting? I was even being threatened: if I...

How Should Can Make You Sick

How Should Can Make You Sick

They say that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. When it comes to the “big” lessons that we need to learn this statement is so true. If we don’t learn what we need to from the experiences we have in life, the Universe will oh-so-helpfully keep...

1537 How to Use Pivoting as an Alignment Tool

1537 How to Use Pivoting as an Alignment Tool

Today we are talking about how to use pivoting to help you stop sabotaging your own success by shifting big mental blocks and old programming. For those of you who follow my blog or the Vibe Shifting Facebook page, you know that I was flattened by full-blown pneumonia...

How to Dissolve Darkness and Fear

How to Dissolve Darkness and Fear

Paris. How can you explain something like that? How can you make sense of such tragedy and suffering? How can you, in any way, understand it or come to terms with it? And how can you keep yourself from falling into the bottomless pit of darkness and fear that such...

Enough is Enough!

Enough is Enough!

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about what to do when things start falling apart. Things were going haywire then, not just for me, but for many of you, too. It was a widespread thing. Apparently, it’s still going on. The last month here has been pretty much...

1536 5 Signs You’re on the Wrong Path

1536 5 Signs You’re on the Wrong Path

I got a tweet from someone the other day asking me how she could tell, for sure, if she was on the wrong path in life. Here’s the quick answer: you just know. If you’re not on the right path, you will feel it; in the core of your being, there will be a sense that...

When Everything Falls Apart

When Everything Falls Apart

What do you do when everything falls apart? When everything you’ve been working on suddenly seems to go hell all at once? When you suddenly find yourself back at square one and your dream, which was looking so promising suddenly seems even further away than it ever...

Alignment: Don’t Create What You Don’t Want!

Alignment: Don’t Create What You Don’t Want!

There is one cardinal rule when it comes to Law of Attraction and maintaining your alignment with what it is that you want to manifest in life, and that rule is: don’t create what you don’t want! So obvious, so easy… and yet this simple little rule trips so many of...

Keeping Hope Alive

Keeping Hope Alive

I saw a post on the Good Vibe Blog the other day (and if you haven’t read Jeannette’s blog yet, you totally should… she’s fabulous, and one of the biggest LOA experts out there right now) that I had to respond to. The post was called “Hope is Not a Strategy” and the...

How to Reconnect with Your Intuition

How to Reconnect with Your Intuition

Today we are talking about how to reconnect with your intuition, so that you can create the kind of inner template that will be reflected in your outside world. One of the main tenets of Law of Attraction is "as within, so without". It's the concept that what you...

How to Make Divorce Easier

How to Make Divorce Easier

About a year ago, my husband and I split up. Aside from the obvious upheaval, grief, and having to adjust to new circumstances, it’s been surprisingly painless. Most people would think so, I suppose -- my ex and I are still friends, we help each other out as much as...

I’m Going to Stand By You

I’m Going to Stand By You

OK, so I’m on a serious Rachel Platten kick these days. What can I say? I just love it when insightful lyrics mesh with great music. She’s got a new song out now, called “Stand By You”, and I’ve been busy turning the best bits into image posts for my Facebook and...

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