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Thanks so much for signing up to my weekly blog digest! It’s great to have you aboard. 🙂 With this digest, you’ll be getting an email once per week with the highlights of everything that’s been published to the blog in the past week. (Please note that if you have signed up to more than one of my lists, you may get more than one email in a week. If that’s too much, you can manage the lists you are subscribed to by clicking the handy links at the bottom of any email.)

In the meantime, if you’d like to catch up on previous Vibe Shifting awesomeness, here’s a selection of what’s already been published on the blog…

1517 How to Stop Being Jealous

Today we are answering a question from an awesome reader who asks how to stop being jealous and feeling envious of what other people have in their lives. Jealousy is something we’ve all felt at one point or another, and the best way I’ve found of working through it is...

1529 How Do You Know What You Are Meant to Do with Your Life?

One of the most common questions I get in the emails people send me is: how do you know what you are meant to do with your life? People all over the world are wondering how to tell if they’re on the right path. They want to know what their life purpose is, and they...

1610 How Does Visualizing Your Goal Help You Succeed?

You’ve heard that visualization is a powerful tool for achieving your goals and building your dreams, but have you ever wondered why that is? How does visualizing your goal help you succeed? What’s actually happening in your mind and body when you visualize something?...

Simple Strategies for Stress Relief

Stress may be a fact of life, but we don't have to let it get the better of us. Constantly allowing ourselves to become frazzled and overwhelmed by life leads to long term mental and physical health issues that we'd all rather avoid, and it causes us to lose our...

Coconutty Cinnamon Granola Recipe

This is my Coconutty Cinnamon Granola recipe, and it's another one of my favourite breakfast recipes. I came up with this one because I didn't like all the sugar and weird fillers that were in most of the commercial brands of granola, so I wanted to come up with my...

Why Your Mindset Matters

Your mindset matters because your entire experience of life -- everything that you will ever do, have, or accomplish -- depends on what’s going on inside your own head. So if you want to see a different story outside of you, then you have to start with the things...

1810 Savour Every Single Day

Big career or life transitions can often be frightening things to contemplate, but everything that we experience in our lives can help us shape those new experiences in ways we might not even have thought of consciously. Today’s guest expert, Seumas Gallacher, talks...

Why Persistence is the Key to Success

One of the greatest predictors of an individual's ability to succeed in life is persistence: that "stick-to-it-ness" that allows people to get through the inevitable failures that happen on the road to success. One of the things I talk about in my new book, fearLESS:...

1513 Is Resistance Crushing Your Dreams?

Did you know that there’s a force out there that may be crushing your dreams right now, without you even being aware of it? I’ve just finished reading Steven Pressfield’s book, The War of Art. While there were parts of the book that I fundamentally disagree with, it...

Why You Just Have to Do It

What a weekend! First off, it was a long weekend where I live (Monday was a holiday) and there was much visiting and driving around involved. My favourite part of the weekend was that my sister drove up from Toronto to visit for a couple of days, and my aunt, whom I...

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