by Vibe Shifting | podcast, reader questions
I got a tweet from someone the other day asking me how she could tell, for sure, if she was on the wrong path in life. Here’s the quick answer: you just know. If you’re not on the right path, you will feel it; in the core of your being, there will be a sense that...
by Vibe Shifting | podcast
Today we’re talking about how to find your passion in retirement – how to figure out your direction or your purpose once you’ve made the decision to leave the traditional working world or once your children have left home. Usually, when I get questions from people who...
by Vibe Shifting | podcast, reader questions
Today we’re talking about coping with indecisiveness, or what to do when you can’t decide what you want to do. And we’re answering a question that was sent in from Awesome K, who says: Hi Nathalie. I really can’t seem to make up my mind. I have a dream /goal,...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, techniques
One of the most discouraging situations we can find ourselves in is that awful feeling of being trapped in a situation that you just don’t know how to get out of; that directionless feeling where you don’t know where to go or what to do next. You feel like you need to...