by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts
New beginning. New focus. New start. New intentions. New results. This how September feels to me. It’s how September has always felt. In part I think it’s the sudden change is seasons that brings on the feelings; where I am, the shift from hot summer to the coolness...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, mental health, vlog
For those who have been asking about what made me want to write a book, today’s vlog post shares the story behind fearLESS: How to Conquer Your Fear, Stop Playing Small, and Start Living an Extraordinary Life You Love. The book launches on Amazon today, and I...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, mental health
Choosing to heal from a traumatic situation is a choice between moving forward and staying forever trapped in the darkness. It’s a choice to live your life on your own terms, rather than letting the past continue to dictate the course of your days. This is...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts
When I was away in Toronto last week visiting my sister, I received some awful news from home. Someone I know was killed, tragically, in a charity bike race she was competing in. She was knocked from her bicycle and crushed by a garbage truck. She was a mother of two...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts
I had an odd experience the other day: someone called me a saint for doing what I do with Vibe Shifting. It was… weird. I didn’t know whether to laugh or to be disturbed. Because that type of thing has happened a few times now; I’ve been called a “guru” and an “angel”...