Gratitude. We all know it’s good for us. In fact, it’s probably one of the biggest vibe shifting exercises out there for shifting your thoughts, your energy, and your life. All sorts of celebrity types have been quoted as saying that their lives turned around when they started being truly thankful for what they had, when they started counting their blessings instead of their troubles. But sometimes it’s just so damned hard to find anything to be grateful for. Sometimes, life seems to go to hell, your world gets suddenly turned upside down, and you’re left feeling like a tree that’s just been through a hurricane-force gale; damaged, distressed, in shock, and seemingly unable to do anything about it. And you wonder what in all hell there is that is left to feel grateful about.
Everyday miracles are all around
And that’s when you have to go back to the basics. Look for the small, everyday miracles that are hidden in the ordinary parts of your daily life. Find even the smallest thing that you are honestly grateful, appreciative, or thankful for. And then focus on it as if your life depended on it. Feel the gratitude for that tiny thing, and let yourself soak in that feeling for as long as you can… aim for at least a full minute of just sheer gratitude. It doesn’t have to be big; it just has to be real.
And for me, that’s where this song comes in. It’s a Nana Mouskouri song, and it’s in French, although I’ve attempted a fairly literal translation for those who don’t speak the language. This is a song that really helps me to remember those little things, those everyday miracles that mean so much, especially when everything else seems to be going so badly.
Here are the lyrics (original on the left, my translation on the right):
Merci pour l’enfant qui rit
Pour le ciel qui pleure quelques larmes
Merci pour le vent du soir
Pour le chant d’espoir d’une femme.
Merci pour l’ami d’un jour
Qui habite encore ma mémoire
Et pour ces millions d’amours
Dont ne parlera pas l’Histoire.
Merci pour tes yeux si clairs
Et pour la manière dont ils chantent
Merci pour toi et pour tout
Pour les rendez-vous de la chance.
Merci pour cet univers
Qui va de travers mais qui tourne
Merci pour la vie qui vaut
Le détour jusqu’au dernier souffle.
Thank you for the child who laughs
For the sky that cries these few tears
Thank you for the evening breeze
For a woman’s song of hope
Thank you for the friend I had
Who still lives today in my memory
And for all of these million loves
History will never speak of
Thanks for your eyes so clear
And for the way in which they sing
Thanks for you and for everything
And for these chance encounters
Thank you for this Universe
Which may go awry, but still goes on
Thank you for this life of mine
It’s worth it all until my last breath
[/twocol_one_last]Be sure to click the play button on the YouTube video above – this really is a potent vibe-shifting song for me, and I hope it helps you just as much. And if you have any gratitude-inducing, vibe-shifting songs that help you remember to look for everyday miracles in your own life, please share them in the comments! 🙂
photo credit: cc
Gratitude is really great!
I wonder why sometimes it takes years to raise one’s vibration. You may want it and work at it, but it is something that happens by itself, in its own time, even if it does take years. I know it happened for me because I am do not feel bad when someone else criticizes me anymore. I am back in my own energetic bubble, not prone to the bad energy of others. It took 5 years to get here, though and now I am getting back into the swing of things vibrationally.
It does not seem like a long time to me, even though to others it does. For me, time is not an urgent thing and I am even getting indicators that it is not a lot of time when people from 5 years ago contact me and it is like things never changed. Hard to explain in words, but I feel we just go through vibrational shifts, it is not that time passes, really. It may seem that way from our narrow point of view here in physical, but the fact that masters can meditate for hours and then look at the clock and only a few minutes have passed by is an indication that this time thing not really what people make it out to be.
Oh boy… the second part of this is a big question. You’re getting into the physics aspects of all this, and time is one of those really complicated things to try and explain. The short answer is that time is not what people think it is. Physics tells us that time is not linear, although that is how we perceive it, and our experience of time is very much a subjective thing. I came across a really good explanation of this a while back, I’ll have to see if I can locate the book I read it in. I’ve been meaning to write some articles that delve into the scientific aspects of all this stuff, so I’ll add the topic of time to that list.
P.S. I started to answer the first part about why it can take so long to raise one’s vibration and then realized the answer was going to be really long, so it’s going to be a separate blog article, to be posted next week, OK?