1715 The Danger of Comparison

1715 The Danger of Comparison

Hello everyone and welcome back! Today on the Vibe Shifting Show I’ve got part two of my interview with business coach Jessica Fearnley and we’re talking about why it’s so important to get clear on your own, personal definition of success and stop comparing yourself...
Money Mindset Tricks

Money Mindset Tricks

We’ve talked before about how much your mindset and beliefs about money affect your ability to manifest it into your life. Today I thought it would be helpful to go over some specific money mindset tricks that we can use to help shift our dominant thought patterns...
You’re Allowed to Want What You Want!

You’re Allowed to Want What You Want!

I’m seeing a recurring theme in the emails I’m getting lately. Well, there’s a few recurring themes, actually, but the one I wanted to talk about today is this idea that we shouldn’t want what we want in life because it’s “selfish” – because it’s too much or too big...
LOA Money-Manifesting Tips

LOA Money-Manifesting Tips

Following my experience as a guest writer on the Amazingly Awesome Pam Grout’s web site last week, I’ve been inundated with emails from new subscribers answering my question about what their biggest frustration with respect to manifesting their biggest dreams happens...
Abundance, Money and Fear

Abundance, Money and Fear

On Sunday, I took a tumble on the hardwood stairs in my front entrance way. I have no idea how it happened. One second, I was holding my daughter’s coat out to her and the next second I was on my back and in a whole world of pain. (This is why you didn’t get your...

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