What Do You Want From Life?

What Do You Want From Life?

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself what it is that you actually want from life? Have you ever stopped to really think about it? Or do you just rhyme off some pat answer about “world peace” or “success” or something else that you think would be socially...
Inner Critic or Inner Wisdom?

Inner Critic or Inner Wisdom?

When I’ve talked about gremlins in the past, I’ve had people ask me how they’re supposed to tell if that voice they’re hearing is their inner critic or their inner wisdom. How do you distinguish between gremlins and what I usually refer to as “the whisper within” –...
Getting to Know Your Gremlins

Getting to Know Your Gremlins

Getting to know your gremlins is important. Your inner critics are powerful creatures, and you need to be able to recognize them, or they will derail your dreams. When you’ve got a big dream in your heart and you’ve made the commitment to dedicate yourself to making...

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