1713 Anything You Want

1713 Anything You Want

Today on The Vibe Shifting Show we are talking about focus, The Neverending Story, the paradox of choice, and this very questionable idea that Law of Attraction is all about getting anything you want. So I’m going to start this off by telling you that I’ve been having...
1608 Your Family or Your Dream?

1608 Your Family or Your Dream?

Today we’re talking about whether being a parent means giving up on your dreams. Many parents, especially mothers, struggle with this conflict and wonder if being a good parent and being there for your kids means that you have to let go of the dream that’s still in...
LOA and Taoism

LOA and Taoism

Recently in the Vibe Shifters Tribe, we had a bit of a Taoist theme happening and we were discussing some of the parallels between LOA and Taoism through some interesting quotes, proverbs, and passage from the Tao Te Ching. I’m not a formal student of Taoism, but I...
Introducing Gratitude Tuesday

Introducing Gratitude Tuesday

So, continuing on with the new posting schedule I’ve started this week here on Vibe Shifting, I’d like to introduce you to “Gratitude Tuesday”. I looked for a meme that I liked, but none of the standard Tuesday ones worked for me, so I decided to invent my own....

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