1809 How to Connect With a Mind Mentor

1809 How to Connect With a Mind Mentor

One of the best things that you can do to help you successfully build your dreams is to find yourself a mentor. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find someone willing to be a mentor to you. And sometimes there are other reasons why you just don’t feel comfortable...
What is Imposter Syndrome?

What is Imposter Syndrome?

The guiding principle behind everything that I teach through Vibe Shifting is that “if you can dream it and believe it, you can always achieve it”. This is because if you don’t believe you can do something, you won’t even try (and if you do believe, nothing will stop...
1612 The Problem with Pessimism

1612 The Problem with Pessimism

Today we’re talking about the problem with pessimism, or why pessimism is such a counterproductive mindset and perspective to get stuck in when you’re trying to build a dream. [powerpress] High ideals gone wrong I see so many people out there who have such high ideals...
The Snowball Effect of Fear

The Snowball Effect of Fear

Negative thought processes act like a downward spiral. Dwelling on one negative thought almost magnetically draws more negative thoughts to itself, and then the whole process picks up speed and gets stronger with time, creating a kind of snowball effect that just...

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