1525 How to Beat the Mid-Year Slump

1525 How to Beat the Mid-Year Slump

The end of June marks the mid-point of the year, and what often comes with it is the dreaded mid-year slump. It’s the time of year when we start berating ourselves for all the times we’ve procrastinated on stuff over the last few months, and when we start to feel sad...
Building the Foundations of Your Dream

Building the Foundations of Your Dream

Has anyone ever told you that you’re flighty? Do people tell you that you’ve got your head in the clouds or that you need to stop dreaming and start paying attention to reality? Have you ever been told that it’s childish to concentrate yourself on the impossible when...
Heart-Centred Goal Setting

Heart-Centred Goal Setting

I’ve talked before about the importance of breaking your big dream into smaller milestones and action steps. This gives you a kind of roadmap to follow as you work towards your greater vision. Something to keep in mind when you start working on your plan, though, is...

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