by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, Motivational Monday
In last Friday’s podcast episode I talked about how our thoughts affect our actions and our lives, and how our thoughts themselves are affected by the people we keep company with. But what’s also really important to keep in mind is the reverse: how our own attitudes...
by Vibe Shifting | reader questions, vibe shifting 101
As a follow up to my previous post about fixing broken relationships with LOA, today’s topic is all about how to manifest a better relationship with LOA, and it’s a response to a question sent in by an Awesome Reader who asks: Should I focus all of my energy and...
by Vibe Shifting | reader questions, vibe shifting 101
In today’s post we’re looking at whether it’s possible to fix a break-up with LOA, and it’s a response to a question sent in from an awesome reader who says: My biggest confusion is to know if I can be with my ex-boyfriend again who I know loves me and wants to be...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts
The dictionary defines a hero as someone who exemplifies the qualities of courage and nobility. To me, a hero is someone who inspires you, through his words and his actions; someone whose legacy and memory will live on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him, long...
by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts
I usually reserve my Sunday posts for “just for fun” playlists or recipes, but today I wanted to post something different. Today I want to talk about Boston. I couldn’t write about it earlier in the week because I was too traumatized by what I saw on television and...