What does it mean to become fully self-actualized, to become the best that you can be? How can we go about realizing the full potential of all that it is that we are capable of becoming? I believe that in order to explore our true potential to the fullest, we need to be willing to look within us for the answers, because they aren’t going to come from the outside. There is no person or force outside of our own centre that can lead us to discover and express what is within each and every one of us; that knowledge can only come through listening to our own inner wisdom.
And to be able to hear that whisper within, we need to let go of what the outside world has spent a lifetime teaching us; we need to let go of all those outside ideas about what we should be or what we ought to be and rediscover what it is that we already are and what we have been all along. In understanding our own truth, we can begin our journey of personal growth and becoming the best that we can be.
Try to remember what you were before the world told you what you should be… it’s the only way to really return to the best that you can be.
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Great podcast , as always.
How do you know when if and when you are the path to self-actualization? If you have an inkling, is that your clue? Is the fact that you are looking into it and studying further a good sign that you are on your way there, as is the will and desire to naturally get there one day?
And also, when one is self-actualized, nothing would really faze them, right? They would be like, “whatever”, to what others make a big deal about. They would not blindly follow the flock and do things for the sake of doing them right?
Is a sign of self actualization seeing that most everything in this life is overrated and aligning with source energy is the key?