What is the Emotional Scale - pinToday on The Vibe Shifting Show we’re answering the question: what is the emotional scale? Now, I’ve mentioned before that your emotions are a feedback system, constantly letting you know the degree of your connectedness to Source and the degree of your focus on what’s in your own very best interests. But how does it actually work?

Essentially, your feelings are guideposts to your mental state. Most people think that we experience an emotion as a reaction to an event; something happens and it triggers a corresponding emotion in a process that we really can’t control. But that’s not really the case. Our emotions are an indicator to us of where our alignment is at. The worse we feel, the less aligned we are. The better we feel, the more aligned we are.

Negative emotion is an indicator; a warning sign that what you are focused on or thinking about isn’t helpful to you. To start feeling better, you need to start working with the thoughts behind the emotions, rather than the emotions themselves (the thoughts are the cause, the emotions are the effect, or the symptoms – you want to go to the root in order to make lasting changes).

Your power is always in your thoughts, and by shifting those thoughts to better-feeling ones, you can work your way up the emotional scale, from the worst-of-the-worst all the way up to the best-of-the-best, in a scaffolding process that leads to ever greater alignment and focus with your highest good.

Tune in now to learn exactly how the emotional scale works and how to use it!


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