It’s back-to-school day for my kids. My littlest one started grade one today. I’ll admit I had a bit of a “mommy moment” on my way back home this morning. There’s no denying it anymore — my baby is no longer a baby. That bittersweet thought, of course, was closely followed by the knowledge that for the first time in two months, I could have a cup of coffee without listening to two kids fighting with each other. Just goes to show that there is balance in all things. Also, that big changes happen all throughout our lives.
The Only Constant in Life
Someone smarter than me once said that the only thing constant in life is change. Or maybe it was something about death and taxes, but that’s kind of grim. In any case, change is part and parcel of human existence, and something we all must learn to cope with and adapt to in order to survive. And yes, there is a major blog post somewhere in that thought — look for it sometime in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, however, I have tons of stuff to share with you today (because the kids are at school and I actually have time to blog again). Big changes are coming to Vibe Shifting this year, and while it’s going to be different, it will also come with a lot of benefit to you, my readers.
Big Changes at Vibe Shifting
There has been tons of new stuff going on behind the scenes (I haven’t JUST been chasing after kids all summer), a lot of it in the past week and a half, so I figure the best thing to do is just lay it all out in a list for you:
1. Web Site Changes (Vibe Shifting)
If you’ve been on the web site lately, you’ll notice some HUGE changes to it. I’ve upgraded the theme, so there’s a whole new look and feel happening. And a big theme change like that doesn’t come without hiccups, so please bear with me while I work out the bugs. Some of the site pages may look a little wonky until I get them all properly updated, and if you notice any weirdness, errors, or missing pages, do let me know and I’ll add it to my list of things I need to fix.
The new theme is more mobile-responsive and a lot more modern-looking. It’s way different in the back-end and it’s been something of a learning curve trying to make it all work the way I want it to, but I think in the long run it’s going to make the site run faster and allow me to build some neat capabilities into the whole thing.
In addition to the new theme, I’ll be working on cleaning up the backend this year. With the ever-growing number of posts, people are finding it harder to find stuff, so I’ll be streamlining the categories and tags to make it easier for you to find the information you want. This will take time (there are hundreds of articles that I will need to re-tag by hand) so again, please be patient as I start to implement all these updates.
2. Brand-New Author Web Site
I just launched a separate web site dedicated completely to my books, at It’s integrated fairly well with my Vibe Shifting site (you’ll notice, for instance that the “Books” link takes you there and the “Media” link from there links back here). Both sites are run by me. But if you’re looking specifically for book stuff, you’ll find it on my author site from here on in.
Also, I’ve created an associated Facebook author page now too, so if you want book updates in your feed, please like the author page. (Seriously — go like it if you want cover reveals, etc. Also, I need a minimum of 25 likes on that page before FB will give me any useful statistics, so your like will be extra-appreciated. 🙂 ).
3. Giving Away Mind Shifting
If you’ve been to the main page for either of my sites (or my FB pages), you’ll notice that I’m currently giving away a free copy of Mind Shifting to people who opt-in to my mailing list. If you’re feeling bad because you bought that one before I made this change, please read the next point.
4. Giving Away Simple Strategies for Stress Relief
I’ve re-released Seven-Minute Stress Busters under a new title as Simple Strategies for Stress Relief. This book has been updated, reformatted, and expanded for the new version and has been given a lovely new cover. NOTE: DO NOT BUY IT ON AMAZON YET – this will be a permafree book, I’m just waiting for the Kindle people to price match to the other book sites (I do not have the ability to set a book’s price to $0.00 … it has to be done on the Kindle back end.)
I’ll email my list and post to my FB author page when the Amazon price is updated and let you know when to go pick it up.
5. eBooks Now Available Beyond Amazon
Not a Kindle fan? I’m working on getting my books available across the other major platforms. It’s going to take a few weeks, but soon they will all be available on Kobo and iBooks as well as Kindle. If you use a different ereader, let me know (leave a comment below) and I’ll look into it. For a current list of what’s available where, check out my books list.
6. New VIP Launch Team
I’m starting a separate list for a group of rock-star readers. This group will essentially be my “street team” for future book releases. If you join this VIP list, you will get all my future book releases free, and early, in exchange for book reviews. You can find all the details and sign up here. (Please note that spots on this team are limited.)
7. Email Newsletter Changes
If you’re one of my newsletter subscribers, I’m decreasing the frequency of emails you’ll will get from me. I used to do one a week, but I’ve been thinking that that seems a lot to be sending to everyone’s already over-crowded inboxes. I know I get email exhaustion when I get them that frequently from other people. Also, it’s a lot of extra work when you’re also writing books and blog stuff and looking after kids. So from here on in, you’ll only get two emails per month. Ish. Maybe more if there’s something going on (like a new book release). Maybe less if I’m in the book-writing “zone”.
Moving Forward
So, like I said – lots of changes recently! My goal for this year is to concentrate more on book writing this year (I’ve found that I really enjoy the process), and I’ve got several new books in the works already. The next book to be released will be one called The Positive Affirmations Handbook (currently scheduled for a November launch) and the one after that will be Soul Shifting (it’ll be the second book in the Life Shifting Series).
In addition, I’ve got something super-cool coming out in time for Christmas (I’ve never done anything like it before and I hope you guys LOVE it – I’m having so much fun putting it together for you. More hints on that surprise will come as it gets closer to completion!)
The Blog Doth Continue
This does not, by any means, mean that I won’t be blogging anymore — I absolutely will be. Now that the kids are back to school, I’ll be able to get back to my regular schedule and you’ll start seeing new vlogs and podcast episodes showing up again. Also, I’m considering adding a special Friday feature on indie-writing process and tips, if any of you would find that interesting (let me know in the comments below!).
(Semi-humorous side note in case anyone cares: I actually had enough material written before the holidays to keep the blog running for the summer, but I didn’t get around to recording the audios and editing the videos and that’s where things fell apart… BATCH PROCESSING FAIL!)
Anyhoo. I’ve rambled on enough for this Tuesday-that-feels-like-Monday. Hope everyone had a fantastic summer and here’s to an awesome start to the year! (I have kids. September always feels more like the New Year than January.) And if you’re feeling chatty today, leave a comment and let me know how you spent the holidays — I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to for the past couple of months. 🙂
photo credit: cc (modified by me)
Happy to hear that you’re ok and everything is fine with your kids.
September is also a new year for me, I’m a teacher and it’s so lovely to see pupils again in the autumn.
Thank you again, maybe you remember me:)
I’m the one with the particular house who wrote to you and needed your help.
It took a while till I understood what you meant, but when I did, I got my dreamhouse.
Looking forward to read your texts and learn more, a big hug from me ❤️
Of course I remember you — and I follow your Instagram, too. 🙂 I always feel like change is in the air in September. It gives me a rush of energy… although that could just be because I actually have uninterrupted time to think again with the kids back in school! LOL! I ran into my son’s teacher from last year and asked her how her first day back went — she seemed surprised and grateful that I thought to ask a teacher about her first day. I figure it must be just as overwhelming for the teachers as the kids in some ways, though. Hope your back-to-school went well, and that you have a great year with your students!
Hey Nathalie,
Loving your book and I just started it. 🙂
Go you altering websites and your schedule. You share always…. if I don’t take care of myself, I have nothing to share. Rock on!
Let’s intent and expect utter magical delights!
Hello Christina, and welcome to Vibe Shifting! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the book. Which one do you have? Let’s absolutely intend and expect magical delights this year — I LOVE that idea! 🙂
Hi Nathalie.
Glad to read all is well and things are popping. I am actually on vacation now. A getaway after the crowds left. It’s pretty fantastic.
Is your book still available for free? I must ask because I think I missed the offer. I am on my iphone. If so, I hope I can download with the iphone.
Hi A. — Hope you are having a fantastic vacation! Yes, the book is still available for free. The new distribution system I’m using should allow you to download directly via iphone — if I recall correctly, that’s one of the questions it will ask you as it walks you through the download process.