In today’s podcast I’m talking about tips for how to handle a major upheaval in life. These are tactics that I’m currently using to get myself through a major life event that I am currently dealing with. When life sends you spinning it helps to have a couple of coping strategies to help you get through the tough times. Giving in to despair or despondency isn’t going to help you or anyone else, so finding ways to pull yourself through the tough times and get keep yourself going are critical. Even when you have no idea how you’re going to get through it, you have the strength within you to survive and, yes, even to thrive.
It starts with being patient with yourself while you deal with the emotional turmoil you’re in, and remembering that it doesn’t all have to be solved or dealt with all at once. It starts with remembering to focus on what you want to see more of in your life, rather than the awfulness of the present situation. It starts with remembering that doing what you can with what you have from where you are is all you can do, and all that you need to do at this time.
My father taught me that when difficult things happen in life, they will either make you stronger or they will make you bitter – but the choice is always yours. And it is a choice. So when life hands you lemons and you’re forced to deal with a major upheaval in life, you can either choose to wallow in self-pity or you can pull yourself together and make lemonade.
Click the play button to listen in and find out how I’m choosing to do just that:
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This was great! I hope people get it. What you say is what we have to remember. It is the brain that jumbles things up and makes things bigger and worse than they actually seem.
And thank God you have awesome neighbors. That in itself is priceless, after what I went through with mine. You must be grateful for that every day. Trust me.
Fear always makes things seems worse than they really are. When I start getting really fearful about things, it helps me to remember that line from the movie After Earth:
I thought that was a very powerful quote, and it has always stuck with me.