by Vibe Shifting | deep thoughts, vibe shifting 101
About a year ago, my husband and I split up. Aside from the obvious upheaval, grief, and having to adjust to new circumstances, it’s been surprisingly painless. Most people would think so, I suppose — my ex and I are still friends, we help each other out as much...
by Vibe Shifting | reader questions, vibe shifting 101
Can you use LOA to repair a friendship? This question comes from a blog reader who emailed me to ask about fixing a tattered relationship with a friend: I’m fairly new to the LOA, but am wanting to manifest a restored friendship with a specific person. I’m...
by Vibe Shifting | reader questions, techniques, vibe shifting 101
I’ve received emails from several different people over the past week telling me that the biggest thing they’re struggling with right now is people problems — their relationships with other individuals in their lives. When I get clusters of people asking about...
by Vibe Shifting | podcast, reader questions
Today we are talking about how to manifest a great relationship. Spring is finally in the air, and I guess romance is on people’s minds because of it. I’ve received a couple of emails about using Law of Attraction to find the perfect partner, so today we are going to...
by Vibe Shifting | podcast, reader questions
So, today we’re answering a bunch of questions that people have sent in about relationships and Law of Attraction. Our first questions deals with the possibility of using the principles behind LOA to fix a break-up and is a classic scenario that deals with that gray...