by Nathalie Thompson | vlog
Most people are familiar with concept of fear of failure. But for some people, it’s not failure that scares them most, but the fear that they will succeed. And while the fear of success is actually one of the most common fears out there, it’s a concept that seems...
by Nathalie Thompson | vlog
In last week’s video, we talked about how women tend to sabotage their own success by tuning out the “whispers from within” that tell them what they’re meant to do in life. We learned the why of self-sabotage, but we were left with the bigger question of how to stop...
by Nathalie Thompson | vlog
One of the most common consequences of the unresolved subconscious fears that most of us have surrounding our biggest dreams and goals is self-sabotage – that situation where we’ve been working on something for a while, and actually start seeing some results, and then...
by Nathalie Thompson | deep thoughts, techniques
The Vibe Shifting mantra is that “if you can dream it and believe it, you can always achieve it”. This is because if you don’t believe you can do something, you won’t even try (and if you do believe, nothing will stop you!) But there’s another part...
by Nathalie Thompson | mental health, podcast, reader questions
If you’ve ever been in that situation where you’ve been continually messing up big opportunities or totally destroying the progress you’ve made while working towards a big dream or a goal, then today’s episode is for you. Today we are asking “why do I keep sabotaging...