Letting go of perfectionism is never an easy task. When you’re a perfectionist, it really is hard not to be hard on yourself. But being a perfectionist can take it’s toll on both your mental and physical health; perfectionism can cause you to be in a near constant state of stress when you feel like you never measure up. Stress, in turn, can lead to so many other physical problems, such as heart disease and stroke, so it really is important to find a way to deal with this personality trait effectively.
In this week’s Vibe Shifting Podcast episode, I talk about definitions: what being a perfectionist really means, and about the impact it can have in your life. I also talk about my own experiences with perfectionism and how it has affected areas of my own life.
But don’t worry — it’s not all doom and gloom! Because in this episode you’ll also get lots of great strategies and tips that you can use to help you with letting of perfectionism in your own life. And let me tell you, when you can finally learn to let go of the stress and emotional turmoil that comes from expecting perfection in everything you do, you will find that life just gets so much easier. Sound interesting? Just click the player link below to start listening!
P.S. While you’re here, please subscribe to the Vibe Shifting Show on iTunes — that way, you know you’ll never miss an episode!
Very nicely said! The universe is awesome, forgiving, full of possibilities and never-ending chances. Why are we hard in ourselves? Who are we to be so hard on ourselves when universal law states to be easy on yourself and just chill? That’s really the question.
I mostly use the being a better friend to myself “strategy”. Of course I would be more supportive of a friend, so why not to myself? Madness, I know. So, let’s not do that anymore, shall we?
Agreed… let’s not do that anymore. Let’s learn to love ourselves the way the Universe does: completely, unfailingly, and unconditionally. 🙂
Hello Nathalie!
I have had much going on lately but finally was able to check out some of your podcasts tonight.
I didn’t play catch up in chronological order. When I came to this one, I listened to what you were saying about your speech experience at Toastmasters. I have to say this: You have a lovely, pleasant voice, and you speak as eloquently as you write, which are both terrific.
I listen to music almost constantly, but not so much things such as audiobooks or podcasts. I’m only recently coming around to those. I didn’t think I would enjoy them because when digesting information, I always felt I got it better when I read it. At this point I feel both methods yield about the same comprehension. I’m glad, because although I have enjoyed reading your blog posts for some time now, I’m finding that I like the podcasts very much too. I’m gleaning a lot of very helpful information from them. I really appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this and all that you continue to give to help so many of us.
You’re a natural with this!
Ayla, you always make my day! 🙂 Thanks so much for your compliments, and I’m so glad you’re getting so much from the blog and the new podcasts. I was never big on podcasts until recently, either, but learning how to make my own has given me a whole new appreciation for them. And the portability of them is handy… I like being able to download to my iPod and listen when I have time (like sitting around the bleachers while my kids are in swimming lessons, for instance).
I’ve been kind of erratic with my content posting for the last few months (more on that in Monday’s post), but I’m getting that sorted out and I’ve got my plan together for the next 16 months. Getting myself back on track, slowly but surely. And I’ve got some new and exciting stuff coming over the next few months, so stay tuned! Have a wonderful weekend, and big hugs to you! 🙂