Creating Your Annual Action PlanAs we head into the final two months of the year, it is the perfect time to start thinking about creating your annual action plan for the coming year; time to take stock of where you’re currently at and decide where you’re going to focus your energy over the coming months. It starts with looking back at everything you’ve accomplished (or wanted to accomplish, but didn’t) over the past year, and taking an objective look at what’s still important to you. It’s time to figure out how you’re going to turn that dream that’s stuck in your head into something real.


With that in mind, I’ve got a simple six-step process that will help you create an annual action plan to get yourself focused, organized and on track for the coming year. Dreams don’t just wander out of your head and into your life without you doing your part – it takes action to build a dream. But it has to be the right kind of action. And that’s where your plan comes in. It’s an invaluable tool for keeping you motivated and steering your energy in the right direction to actually give you the results you’re looking for. Without a plan, your action often ends up being scattered and ineffective.

In the podcast episode I mentioned a couple of things I said I’d link in the post for the episode, so, as promised:

  • Here is the post I wrote last year about how to do a year-end review; and
  • Click the “like” button below to like this post on Facebook and get access to the FREE Annual Plan Template Package I created to help you!
    Right click and choose “Save as” or “Save target as” to download your free annual plan creation template package.


Get your goals and your year off to the right start with this six-step process and start working your annual plan, today. Don’t put this off until the end of December – it makes for a delayed and jumbled start to New Year, and that’s not the kind of energy we want to start off with! Get yourself organized now, ahead of time, so you know exactly what you’re going to be doing right from the start, and you’ll be able to hit the ground running when January rolls around. Let’s make this coming year the best so far!

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