When you’re looking for space and to find out who you are, look within!
Sometimes I find my inspiration in the weirdest ways. I was wondering what to write about for this post, when John Denver’s “Looking for Space” came up on my iTunes. And as I was listening to lyrics, I realized how very Law of Attraction they are. And voilà… blog post topic!
Looking for Space is about looking for answers
To me, Looking for Space is a song about seeking. About looking everywhere for answers, about the despair and dejection that comes from seeking answers outside of yourself, and about the joy and enlightenment that come when you realize that all the answers are inside.
I used to feel this way a lot. I used to wish that I could fly away and just escape to anywhere except where I was. And I would get in these situations where I would start making some progress, and then something would happen that would either yank me to a stop, or even push me backwards again.
I had to realize that there is no escaping because everything is inside. Wherever you run to, what you’re trying to avoid will find you because you bring it with you wherever you go. It’s called baggage, and I suspect that everyone over the age of about 12 has some.
But along with our personal baggage, the power to change is also inside. We can all choose to drop the baggage; we just need to realize that all we have to do is let go of the handles. And once you realize that you have the power to control your life and your circumstances, you can begin to move forward again, in any direction you want… and nothing can stop you.
Excitement and despair
To me this is a great description of the journey I’m on. When I find myself shifting energy and suddenly understanding concepts that never made sense before, it’s such a rush! It is so exciting, and such an amazing feeling. Sometimes I really feel like I’m on the edge of something really big and really amazing… I can sense that it’s there, but I just can’t see it yet, and I feel like if I could just get a little bit closer, just understand a little bit more and I’d be there. But I then I just can’t wrap mind around it, and I just feel frustrated and dejected.
I’ve been told that understanding the Law of Attraction, and all that goes with it, is an emotional journey and not an intellectual one. And it’s a big sticking point for me. I tend to try to analyze and quantify everything. So accepting that some things cannot be understood on an intellectual level, that they must be felt in order to be understood… that’s been difficult for me.
But I’m getting there. I’ve made so much progress in the last year, and when I look back on that I am so proud of myself. I just have to remind myself of that when I feel the despair, and look at what has already been achieved.
When you’re looking for space, look within
Ah, life in the modern world… it’s so easy to get caught up in all the bad things that happen in the world and forget that there is still far more that is good in the world than bad. I think that there are a great many people out there who feel alone and lost. And I wish they could see how beautifully they shine, and how much their light brings joy to all that is. Just being is enough.
When we start looking for answers we need to look within. All the knowing and all the clarity is there, in the centre. We just need to become still so that we can find it. When we become still, we allow that voice inside of us to whisper its wisdom into our hearts. All the answers and all the peace that we seek is already there; it has always been there, waiting for us.
It’s just that way
This seems more Taoist to me than anything: “if there’s an answer, it’s just that it’s just that way”. I think that in seeking, the most important thing that we learn is that we already have what we’re after. When we accept ourselves for who we are, when we accept others for who they are, when there is no judgment, and just the journey, when we can let it be, let it go and just be here now… that is when the answers are revealed. That is when we are able to feel the centre and our unbreakable connection with Universe. That is when the knowing occurs and everything becomes clear: when we’re looking for space.
Beautiful, Nathalie! I love how you take the song and fit the words to the Law of Attraction and Taoism! John Denver is my era, and I’ve spent many happy hours with his music. Thanks for the reminder of a wonderful man! Hugs, Carole
Thanks Carole… I love John Denver, too! Do I get extra points for recognizing Taoist principles in those lyrics? 😉 lol
What a great song that still is, and how wonderfully you tied the two topics together. I listened to a lot of John Denver when I was 12, incidentally… and it brought me a lot of peace then. Might be a good idea to dust off those old LPs and give them another listen, because evidently there’s a lot of wisdom to be gleaned.
It’s hard to let go and be still, but when you realize you’re spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere–and that you’re wasting precious energy–it’s imperative to let up off the gas and coast, or even slow to a stop, for a little while. I don’t like too much idle time, though, because I do think it’s possible to look within too much at times, and that’s exhausting too. Mike Dooley said in the book Infinite Possibilities to “do what you can today”. I didn’t get that right off the bat, but when it clicked, it took a lot of pressure off. Really, all we can do is what we can do today. Let yesterday go and let tomorrow’s worries be dealt with tomorrow. Meantime, enjoy Now.
Hello Ayla, and thanks so much for commenting! I listened to a lot of John Denver when I was a child, too. And you’re right, I do still find a lot of wisdom in his words. I wonder if he knew about LOA?
“Infinite Possibilities” is my favourite Mike Dooely book — I’ve read most of his stuff, and that one is still the one that resonates with me the most. I think one of the biggest things I’ve learned from him is to just get moving… that the Universe will meet me more than halfway, but I have to give it something to work with. It’s given me the courage to go out do things that I was afraid of doing before (like starting an LOA blog, for instance!).
I find that stillness is a wonderful tool for letting me see things more clearly. I get so caught up in frantic day-to-day pace that is life these days, that I sometimes lose sight of what is important to me, and what I’m working towards. In those times, it helps to be still and allow myself to recharge and refocus, and I like to remind myself to just “let it be, let it go”. But after I’ve found my centre again, I’m like you — I want to get going and do what I can, with what I have, from where I am! 🙂
Lovely post! I have heard of John Denver and some of his songs but was not around when this song came out, but it sounds awesome! Songs have a lot of meaning in them. I always listen to Madonna’s early song “over and over” when down because it is so uplifting and about not giving up.
Getting back to this song and theme, I understand more clearly where “knowing” can come from. I’ve always wondered about it. But it is only if you live your life genuinely and through the eyes of your soul that you can reach this understanding and knowing.
Thank you Nathalie!
Thanks, A! I highly recommend checking out some of John Denver’s stuff. He was a very talented singer-songwriter, and well-worth a listen. 🙂 I’ve always loved looking at the lyrics to songs, and there are definitely some that have a lot of meaning for me over the years, too. I don’t remember that Madonna song, but you’ve made me curious so I’m going to go and look it up!