When you think about Sir Richard Branson, the obvious things that come to mind are: business, power, money and success. What’s not so obvious about Branson is how Law of Attraction his entire approach to all of those subjects has been since the beginning. I recently Branson’s autobiography, Losing My Virginity, and it was very apparent to me that, whether he knew that’s what he was doing or not, the man was very definitely putting all the principles of this law to work in building his success, throughout his entire life.
Click the player link below to tune in to this week’s podcast, where I talk about my views on the connection between Sir Richard Branson’s business success and the Law of Attraction. And definitely go check out the book — I found it so inspirational, and I bet you will, too! I have to tell you, I was in a bit of a motivational slump before I read this book, but after finishing it, I definitely got my mojo back! In fact, I’m crediting the launch of the Vibe Shifting Podcast show to the inspirational boost I got from reading this book.
In any case, if you have an interest in how Law of Attraction can be applied to business situations, this is definitely an episode you want to check out! Go on and click that link… you know you want to… 😉
Don’t forget to subscribe to my podcast on iTunes!
Sir Richard is indeed awesome. Here is another LOA story: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/how-madonna-became-madonna-an-oral-history-20130729
OK, well, got to admit that Madge concentrated on what she wanted, despite everyone else’s doubts, criticisms and lack of faith but the point is the universe brought her in touch with those few who did, and viola- she made it! I have always admired her for her gumption, savvy, cleverness, drive and self confidence and, most of all faith. She had faith that everything will work out even while she was experimenting with different art forms, living on people’s couches and hand to mouth. She expressed herself fully, never went along with anything she particularly did not like, at least not for long, and she did not care what anyone else thought of her. And she had that energy, of course, looking forward to the next day and just moving forward and not looking back. If this is not LOA, I do not know what is. Just a another great example of this universal principle..
Great article, A. — thanks for sharing. I never really knew Madonna’s story, so it was interesting to read about it. Her story definitely goes to show how important it is to have self-confidence and focus on what you really want, doesn’t it? So very LOA! 🙂
Hey there! I saw The Hunger Games last night and thought, how very LOA! Have you seen the movie or read the book? Though the underlying theme is love conquers all, which it does, the protagonist had hope and won the evil forces in the end. Though she defied some rules which will come back to haunt her in the sequel, as the authorities will make her pay for what she did, her will gets her to triumph in the end, no matter how much the authorities tried to extinguish it.
Hi A — I haven’t read the book, but I did see the first movie a while back (don’t remember much about it though). You’ve got me curious and now I’m going to have to watch it again and look for the LOA elements in it!