I talk about dreams a lot on this site, because I believe that dreams are in our hearts for a reason. I believe that they are a direct connection to the greater power out there – the Source from which we all came, and to which we always return. We forget who we truly are when we come here, and we forget why we chose to come in the first place. But those dreams of ours – they’re always with us, and they are a reminder for us of our most fundamental truths.
Our dreams remind us of who we really are, and what we’re meant to do with our time here. They’re a manifestation of that whisper within that keeps connected to something bigger than us. Our dreams show us how we can use the gifts that we alone can bring to this world. That’s why dreams are so insistent, and why it’s so hard to try and ignore them and do something else, instead.
Milestone dreams
Big dreams, of course, tend to come true in stages. We achieve milestones on our way to our bigger dreams. One of my big dreams is to become a NYT best-selling author. And a milestone to that dream that I’ve had for two years came true this week. And it happened in the most serendipitous way. It really made me realize – again – how powerful the stuff I like to talk about here really is.
The thing is, everything that I talk about on this blog – Law of Attraction, the power of intention and being certain about what you want, all this mental stuff that I post about – if you haven’t recognized it happening within in your own life yet, it’s so easy to dismiss it as flaky New-Age B.S, wishful thinking, or pretty little words with no real substance behind them. But it’s not. It’s real, and it’s powerful stuff.
Today, I got published on the Huffington Post. And it’s the stuff I talk about here that made it happen.
Ever since I started blogging, I knew I wanted to get published there (it’s one of the Holy Grails of the blogging world, bringing with it the potential for massive amounts of traffic and a means to introduce tons of new people to what you do).
I knew it was tough to get published on that site. Lots of people want to be HuffPost bloggers. Not everyone makes it. And I had no idea where to even begin, so I kind of put that desire on my mental “maybe, possibly, someday” shelf and left it there.
How I got published on HuffPost
Back in December when my streak of successful guest posting attempts started happening, that desire to be published on HuffPost became stronger. I thought it would be fun to be published on such a site, but still had no idea how to make it happen, other than to work with what I know about my “flaky New-Age” stuff. So here’s what I did:
- I added it to my vision board. I put the Huffington Post logo on my 2015 vision board (I make a new one every year, clearing out old stuff I’m not interested in anymore, or that I’ve already accomplished, and adding in new things and experiences that I want to concentrate on for the year).
- I let go of attachment. It was something I really wanted, but I hadn’t become overly attached to it. I loved the idea of having it happen, but I didn’t make my happiness or sense of accomplishment dependent on having it happen.
- I was open to “coincidence”. I jumped on little synchronicities when they occurred. For example, somebody who had already done what I wanted to do started a thread in one of my networking groups offering to answer questions from other group members who wanted to do the same thing. I read all the Q’s and A’s and asked a couple of questions of my own.
- I became certain. After reading the questions and answers, I just knew that I could do this – that I could get myself published. It was calm, unshakeable certainty that this would happen. I don’t know how I knew – I just did.
- I took action. With my feeling of certainty, came a powerful desire to DO. I immediately started preparing my submission. I also faced down any little tendrils of fear that tried to tell me that what I was doing was crazy. I took action and submitted the article before I could chicken out and talk myself out of doing it.
- I listened to my gut. I was originally going to go with a different article, but something in me said “use the other one”, so I listened to that instinct.
I submitted my article to the Huffington Post on a Thursday morning. That same night I had an email saying that they would love to “feature my voice” on the blog.
My dream came true today. And do you want to know what the really cool thing is? It was easy. Everything lined up perfectly and the Universe seemed to go out of its way to make it happen for me.
And that’s the real power of all this stuff that I talk about here.
What’s your dream?
So I want to know: what dream do you have in your heart that you’ve been telling yourself is impossible? What is it that you really want to do experience in your life that you’re not going for? What is it that you’re hiding – the reason you came here today, looking for hope or something to make you feel a little bit better about your life? Stop surfing and start experimenting with this stuff! It really works. Dreams come true all the time. One of mine did today. And yours can, too.
If you’d like to start making your dreams come true, then give yourself a gift today that really could change your life. To celebrate my Huffington Post debut, I’m giving you 20% off my “CRUSH it!” 30 day dream-building bootcamp program! You can get all the details and join us, right here. (It’s an absolute steal right now at $37, so don’t miss out!)
photo credit: pixabay.com cc (modified by me)
Congrats, Nathalie! I knew things were popping for sure!
This is not only wonderful, it is proof, for anyone who has doubts, that it is real. It is just how things work. The two things that stood out for me were: I let go of attachment and “the Universe seemed to go out of its way to make it happen for me”. This makes me cry because it is true and I know it, but the blockages put up by our own self are sad and kind of pathetic, knowing this fact. Most blockages are not even our own but the products of the ridiculousness of others or society.
Anyway, it is good to focus on the good stuff, as you point out. It takes a lot of training and discussion with other co-creators, but totally possible. Just admitting this is half the battle.
Thanks, A.! This absolutely was a classic example of LOA in action. I laughed when I looked back and realized what had happened. 🙂
I’ll be talking more about the whole “letting go of attachment” thing on Friday’s podcast. Hopefully it will help make it easier for people to understand what that actually means and how it works.
Congratulations! Now who couldn’t benefit from that terrific yet practical article from Huff Post? I hope you’re enjoying that although I would imagine it must feel a little surreal. I like what you said about how it was easy, how things lined up perfectly, and that the Universe seemed to go out of its way to help you. I’ve been fortunate to have had that experience a few times and just have to say, isn’t it just about the epitome of the word AWESOME!?
Very happy for you!
Thank you Ayla! 🙂 The funny thing about it all is that is doesn’t feel surreal! As I mentioned in the article, there’s been a whole “oh, of course this is what comes next” feeling to the entire experience. Again, classic LOA in action. It’s the certainty thing again — when I look back at the big achievements in my life, there has always been that aspect of certainty to them. There was always a calmness. I didn’t always know how something would happen, I just knew that it would. And I didn’t worry about the how. I really think that’s key to all of this stuff. Next project: how to achieve that certainty on command. Historically (for me, anyway) it’s always just happened when it happened. I’d like to be able to muster that certainty whenever I want to. Definitely something to experiment with.
And, YES — it is absolutely the epitome of awesomeness when it does happen. 😀