Everybody has a dream; unfortunately, however, not everyone will see that dream become a reality. Why? Because not everyone is going to move out of the dreaming stage and into the creating stage, that’s why. Dreams in and of themselves are not enough. Believing in your dream is not enough. Visualizing and watching “The Secret” is not enough. If you ever want to start living that dream of yours, you have to start taking action to make that dream come true. Today’s podcast is all about the importance of doing – moving that dream out of the realm of fantasy and into world of actuality.
Positive thinking is a wonderful tool for inspiring yourself to take action towards your dream, but they key is to actually get to the action part of things. In today’s episode I talk about three reasons why action is so important, and how getting started on even the smallest of steps forward is going to have a big impact on making your dreams come true and building the life that you’ve always wanted for yourself.
It’s so easy to get stuck in stall mode, and just let time pass you by while you wish for better things to come your way. But the reality of the situation is this: you aren’t going to get that time back, and if you want those better things for yourself, you gotta reach out and grab ‘em – get out there and start building them! Right now. Today.
I cannot overstate the importance of doing, or how big the impact of even baby steps toward your dream can be. If you’ve been floundering and feeling stuck, then you owe it to yourself to listen in to this one. Go ahead and press the play button:
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photo credit: (c) Can Stock Photo
Hey Nathalie,
I did not know where else to post this question. I am wondering if you could write and article about the voices we hear at times telling us stuff. For example, I know the voice of the inner being is loving and will whisper good, positive things, tell you not to worry, it will be okay, in short phrases. However, how about of you hear something like “you will never have any money, so forget all your plans”? It just comes out of nowhere when you are making pans. I assume it is the brain, but you know, I can never be sure. Please let me know your take on this one. Thanks.
Those voices are often referred to in this field as “gremlins”. They’re usually a result of old programming reasserting itself when you’re trying to make changes in your life. They can be nasty little buggers because they work with fear, which triggers that primitive “fight or flight” response within us, which in turn tends to circumvent our ability to calmly and rationally think our way through a situation, or to feel our way through to a better feeling place.
One of the most interesting ways I’ve seen for dealing with Gremlins is to picture them as a nattering, but dearly loved, old grandmotherly type grouching at you from the backseat of your car while you’re driving. You know where you’re driving to and how to get there, but the dear old lady insists you’re going the wrong way, you’re going to get yourself lost, you’re going to be late, you need to turn here, go there, etc. She’s driving you crazy with her unwanted advice, but you love her and you don’t want to hurt her feelings, so you just smile and shake your head, but keep driving the route you know you need to go, knowing that eventually she’ll just get tired of nattering and will hush up and just enjoy the scenery.