Hello and Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I just love the energy at the beginning of a brand-new year. I love the endless possibilities that stretch out before me; the opportunity for change and to create something new, and the promise of a fresh start. There is something infinitely inspiring about potential energy that always makes me so happy.
This is the time of year to reconnect with your dreams. To really plug yourself into what it is that you want the coming year to be and to everything that you want to create and do and become. And that’s a really critical point. You want to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.
Our focus and our expectations form our reality. So when you work with the energy at the start of the year, you want to make sure your focus is on what you want to create rather than what you want to avoid. Because if your focus determines your reality then directing all this energy into “I really don’t want this bad thing or that awful thing to happen”… then guess what you’re going to end up creating? The very thing that you don’t want.
Instead, put that energy to good use by directing your energy towards all the good and wonderful things that you want to see. Focus on creating a world of beauty and joy and adventure and fun! Focus on how amazing it will be to create your biggest dreams! Focus love and on kindness and on peace. Focus on things that make you feel energized and things that make you happy. And that is what you will end up creating.
Always remember that your expectations are key – what you believe affects how you act and how you interpret the world around you. And that has an impact on what you experience. In a very real sense, your mind creates your reality. They’re not kidding when they say that changing your mind can change your world.
So use those energetic super-powers as you start this brand-new year. Take some time this week to let yourself dream and imagine the kind of life and the kind of world that you most want for yourself and the people you care about most. Really connect yourself with that vision.
And then use that energy to go out there and start creating it!
Yup, this is true! Really cool!
I know people use fear of failure as an impetus to do well, however, this mindset can actually be the road to failure, so it is not a good thing to go by. Focus is important, as there are many energy vampires out there, but I am finding it easier and easier to hold that vibe steady no matter who comes my way to tear me down! They do not stay lone either. Good huh?
I think there is something to that old adage about necessity being the mother of invention — sometimes, when our back is to the wall and we have no other choice than to succeed or disaster will ensure, then that can spur us on to achieve great things. But I don’t believe that fear of failure in an of itself is the best way to go. Because there’s also that saying about creating a self-fulfilling prophecy!
Focus is definitely important, as is being able to bounce back after encounters with those energy vampires. It’s wonderful that you’re finding it easier to hold your vibe steady — that’s awesome! This should be a great year for you now that you can do that! 🙂
Another thought of the day is, how about if universal forces are conspiring to actually have us succeed? Like you have said before, it does not matter what the path looks like, every step of the way, every detour, is a step towards your goal. This makes sense, as long as we feel the goal.
I think universal forces are definitely conspiring to have us succeed! And yes, every aspect of our path, no matter how many twists and turns it happens to take, is part of the journey that we are on. It’s all part of the process of success… and if we can wrap our heads around that, it makes everything else so much easier.