How to get into alignment with what you want - Pinterest pinToday we are talking about how to get into alignment with what you want in life. Last week I asked my Vibe Shifters Tribe members and Facebook fans if they had any specific topics they wanted me to cover on the blog over the next couple of months, and the biggest thing they mentioned was that they wanted more info on getting into the right vibrational alignment with what you want to manifest in life. So that’s what we’re going to cover today.


So, from a Law of Attraction perspective, you already know that the key thing about manifesting anything in life is getting yourself into alignment with it. But what does that mean, exactly? And how the heck are you supposed to do it?

What it means to be aligned with what you want

When you’re in alignment with something, it means that you’re a vibrational match to having it happen – it means that that everything in you is completely ready to actually have what you want show up in your life. Keep in mind that, just because you really want something it doesn’t mean that you’re ready for it.

And this is important, because when you’re having problems manifesting something, it usually means that, at some level, you are experiencing resistance to whatever it is you want, which means that there is something inside of you that doesn’t want some aspect of what you think you want.

Just because you WANT something in life, doesn’t mean you’re READY for it! (Tweet this!)

Usually this happens because, on some level, you’re afraid of what you think some of the possible downsides are to what you want. For example, you could be thinking that losing all that weight would mean you would never be able to eat your favourite food again, or that if you finally had the perfect relationship, it would mean that you’d have to give up your freedom and ability to do what you want to do in life. Those elements that you don’t want are often strong enough to shift your vibrational alignment into not manifesting what you say you want.

How to get into alignment with your desires

So how do you get yourself through that stuff? I’ve talked before about specific strategies for getting through resistance (in episodes 1513 and 1429 – I’ll link those in the blog page for this episode if anyone wants to review those strategies), so I’m not going to go over the resistance stuff again today. But there are some other tricks that you can use that will specifically help you to get yourself into that all-important alignment with what you want. And I’ve got five of those tricks for you today that you can try:

1. Assume it’s a given.

Worrying about what you want or being afraid that it won’t happen is not aligning with that thing, and just keeps you focused on the fact that what you want is still lacking from your life. What you focus on is what you tend to bring about in life, so you need to shift the focus away from “it’s not here yet” and onto “it’s coming” or even “it’s here”.

Try to think of manifesting what you want as hitting the print button on a printer, or ordering something from an online shop. Getting clear on what you want to manifest is like hitting the “go” button. Once you’ve place your order or sent your print job, do you worry that it’s not going to come? No, because you know that it will. It’s just a matter of waiting for it to arrive. Get yourself into the habit of thinking about the things and experiences that you want to manifest in life in this same manner – once you’ve sent that out into the Universe, assume that you’ve place your order and it’s already on its way and allow yourself to feel that lovely anticipation of waiting for your parcel to arrive.

2. Get happy.

When we are stressed or unhappy or fretful, it messes up our vibe. It’s hard to manifest fun, happy things into your life when your dominant energy pattern is the opposite of that. So, beyond feeling good about what you want, just focus on feeling good in general. Be happy. Do things that make you happy. Do some art, listen to your favourite music, call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, go for a walk. Just do things that make you want to laugh and that make your heart sing. Feeling wonderful as often as you can is the best way to bring more wonderful things into your life.

Start allowing yourself to feel fabulous. Give yourself permission to laugh and play and relax a little! Life is really not meant to be that serious and stressful. If you’re in a difficult situation this can be tough, but start small – get yourself a pack of brand-new crayons just for you and let yourself have fun with colours for a few minutes every day. Take some time to enjoy the sunshine and go for a walk whenever you can. Take a few minutes to appreciate your child’s attempts to understand humour and make you laugh with his jokes that still don’t make any sense.

3. Visualize it.

Make a movie in your mind and live your life as if what you want is already yours. Imagine every detail with as much clarity as you can and put yourself in the picture. What does your life look like now that you’ve lost the weight, gotten the job, met “the one”, launched your successful business, or been accepted into that elite program? If you can’t even imagine it happening for yourself, then how can you expect to have it happen in your reality?

Spend five minutes every day visualizing your ideal, perfectly manifested life, in all its wonderful glory. You can spend up to ten minutes, but don’t go more than that (use a timer if you need to) – your life is meant to be lived, and actual action is necessary for turning your visions into reality. Don’t spend all your time daydreaming, or that’s all those visions of yours will ever be. Get yourself jazzed with your visualization practice then get yourself moving!

4. Feel it.

What are the emotions or feelings that you think having what you want will bring you? Remember that it’s never about the things or experiences that we want in life – it’s always about how we think those things and experiences will make us feel. Get clear about what those feelings are and then find ways to feel it now, before it’s even happened. Actors manage to make themselves feel completely different things on cue every single day. So can you.

If you’ve decided that getting that new job will make you feel respected, then find ways to feel respected now, and start with yourself. Do things that make you respect yourself – hit the treadmill and work on increasing your endurance a little bit more every week and feel respect for the dedication you put into it. Take a plastic bag with you next time you go for a walk and pick up some trash along the way, and feel the respect for an individual who takes pride in his surroundings and cares for the people and places most important to him. Remember the times in your life when you have already felt respected and add those to your visualization routine.

5. Act as if.

Start behaving as if what you want is already here. There are different ways in which you can do this. For example, you can start assuming the identity of the person you’re hoping to become. In other words, if you’ve got a day job as an accountant but you dream about being an internationally acclaimed stand-up comic, then start telling people you are a comedian. When asked what you do for a living, answer that you are a comedian. If that feels “off” to you – if the thought of saying that makes you feel like you’d be lying – then say you’re in the process of launching your career in stand-up and that you do accounting on the side.

You can also start creating space for the thing that you want in your life so that there’s room for it when it does arrive. For example, if what you want is a new relationship then start sleeping on “your” side of the bed, clear out a dresser drawer for Mr. or Ms. Right’s use and figure out where his or her towel is going to get hung up in the bathroom. If you’ve got your heart set on a new car, then clear out your garage so there’s room for your new ride!

Another way to “act as if” that I’ve talked about before is to completely put yourself in the mindset of already being, having, or experiencing what you want. So, if you want to make your business financially successful, then ask yourself how a woman with a financially successful business would answer her phone or fold her laundry. How would the guy who successfully finished his first triathlon order dinner or vacuum his floor? Get yourself completely into the persona of having already achieved what you want to, and BE that person in every aspect of your life, both large and small, in whatever ways you can.

Summing it up

So there you have it. Five strategies on how to get into alignment with what you want: assume it’s a give; get happy; visualize it; feel it; and act as if it’s already here. If you’ve been struggling trying to manifest something that you really want in life, give these alignment tricks a try and start shifting your mindset and energy into the right place for making it happen.

photo credit: cc (modified by me)

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