The importance of looking for evidenceToday we are talking about the importance of looking for evidence in support of your intentions. When you have a big dream or goal that you’d like to make happen for yourself, part of the process you go through is setting intentions about specific things you’d like to see happen. So, for example, if your dream is to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, one of your intentions might be to become more physically fit. Intentions are a really great way to focus yourself on concrete actions that can help you make progress towards your ultimate dream or goal.

In and of themselves, intentions are pretty powerful things. But you can really turbo charge that power by acting as if that intention has already started working; you can do this by actively looking for evidence that you’re on the right path and that what you want is on its way.


For example, one of my dreams is to really take Vibe Shifting to the next level – I really want this thing to go big so that I can help as many people as I possibly can to reconnect with who they really are, to help them lead happier, healthier lives and to help them become all that they know they are meant to be. I’ve discovered that I’m a dream catcher at heart and I’ve found my calling in helping other people to reconnect with their own inner wisdom and to create the life they really want.

So one of my current intentions to support this dream is to increase what’s called “my reach” – to really get the Vibe Shifting brand out there and known and recognized, because the more people who know about me and what I do, the more people I’ll actually be able to help.

Once I consciously set this intention and was clear in my own mind about what I wanted, the first thing I did was to thank the Universe for giving me what I asked for. I actually wrote a little thank you note on a piece of paper.

The next thing I did was to immediately start looking for evidence that things were starting to happen.. And sure enough, once I started looking for evidence, I started to see all sorts of signs that I was on the right track and that things were starting to move in the unseen:

  • sign-up numbers for my weekly newsletter began steadily increasing over the week (I started getting daily sign-ups, which wasn’t happening before)
  • the interaction and reach on my Facebook page also started increasing (I hadn’t changed anything in terms of what I was doing on that page, and there was no advertising or anything; it just seemed to be happening organically, which was awesome)
  • I’ve had two people in less than a week contact me out of the blue with wonderfully positive follow-up stories to circumstances they had previously contacted me about and which I’d written blog posts to answer their questions and provide them with strategies for dealing with their situations
  • I’m currently working on my first-ever online course to help people go from “thinking about” their dreams to actually making them happen, and had been wondering about the best way to deal with some particular back-end technical issues and someone whom I greatly admire for his ethics, honesty and general awesomeness posted an article about how to set up a membership site that answered my questions

Now, these may seem like little things on the surface, but to me they were powerful indications that my intent was already causing ripples in the energy field. Things were happening!

When you ask for something and then get it into your head that it will happen for you, once you start looking for evidence that your intent is “working” for you, you start noticing all these little synchronicities and “coincidences” all over the place. And if you make it a point to notice and celebrate these little bits of magic whenever they happen, you’re going to start to seeing more and more of them manifesting all around you. Evidence is everywhere if you are open to seeing it and recognizing it for what it is.

I don’t know if you’ve ever actually taken a look at the logo for the Vibe Shifting podcast, but there are three words at the bottom of my logo and they are: DREAM. BELIEVE. ACHIEVE. And these three words are the key; they are the magic sequence, so to speak. Because this sequence is everything – it’s how dreams are moved out of the realm of fantasy and into your everyday reality.

First you need to start with the dream, because everything (and I mean everything) starts with a dream. Then you need to believe that that dream is possible for you, because without belief – without faith in yourself and the Universe – you negate your own power. And part of that believing is trusting that it will happen and looking for evidence that will fuel your passion and bolster your will to succeed. And then you just let that evidence drive your actions and inspire you to keep going. And at that point, it’s almost like a given, and you can’t help but achieve that dream.

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