Coping With Disappointment

I recently had an experience that could have left me coping with disappointment in a big way. On Monday night I competed in the area-level Toastmasters International Speech Competition and I placed third. Which could be viewed as an unfortunate thing because the first...

How to Declutter Your House

One of the biggest areas of stress in many people’s lives is clutter; being surrounded by chaos all the time can really have an impact on your mental health, so figuring out how to declutter your house can be a big mood booster. I’ve certainly noticed this effect in...

When Life Spins Out of Control

So here’s the scoop, for those of you who’ve been wondering where I’ve disappeared to and why there haven’t been any new posts in the last couple of weeks: my husband and I are splitting up, and I’ve been busy as all hell looking for a new place to live and making all...

1809 How to Connect With a Mind Mentor

One of the best things that you can do to help you successfully build your dreams is to find yourself a mentor. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find someone willing to be a mentor to you. And sometimes there are other reasons why you just don’t feel comfortable...

1410 Working Backwards to Achieve Your Dream

If you’ve got a big dream that’s close to your heart the best thing that you can do to make it a reality for yourself is to first get clear about what it is that you really want, and then start working backwards from that end goal to figure out your sub-goals and...

Give a Little Love

In last Friday’s podcast episode I talked about how our thoughts affect our actions and our lives, and how our thoughts themselves are affected by the people we keep company with. But what’s also really important to keep in mind is the reverse: how our own attitudes...

3 Reasons Why You Haven’t Accomplished Your Goals

What happens when you fail to get important things done with respect to your big dream? When you’ve set yourself a deadline and that deadline flew by with a rush and left you with nothing to show for it? Today we’re talking about some very valid reasons why you...

Richard Branson: Law of Attraction Wizard?

I recently read the autobiography of Richard Branson. You know, that multi-gazillionnaire English guy who has about 600 businesses and got knighted and does all that weird stuff like trying to fly around the world in a hot air balloon. The Virgin Record guy. Yeah,...

1509 How to Let Go and Trust the Process

Today we’re talking about how to let go and trust the process. As human beings, we have a tendency to want to control every little detail about the things we’re trying to manifest in our lives; we want to know exactly what’s going to happen and when, at every step of...

Desire for Change: Wishes, Dreams and Goals

  Did you know that when you have a desire for change in you life, it really means you've formed a new dream? And did you also know that a dream can not come true unless you do something about it? Yes, dreams are wonderful things; they show us the infinite...
You’re Allowed to Want What You Want!

You’re Allowed to Want What You Want!

I’m seeing a recurring theme in the emails I’m getting lately. Well, there’s a few recurring themes, actually, but the one I wanted to talk about today is this idea that we shouldn’t want what we want in life because it’s “selfish” – because it’s too much or too big...

Being Different is a Good Thing!

Being Different is a Good Thing!

Why is being different a good thing? Because if you want to actually turn a dream into reality, you have to be a little different. If you want something in your life to change then you have to change the way you approach it – you have to think a little differently,...

1501: Why Are People Mean to Me?

1501: Why Are People Mean to Me?

Hello everyone and welcome to the first podcast of the 2015 season! What do you think of the snazzy new theme music? I love it! It’s so happy and bouncy! I’ve got myself a new mantra for the year and that is “I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile!”...

Why Mindset Matters

Why Mindset Matters

  Mindset. Everything, and I mean everything, has to do with mindset. Your entire experience of life, everything that you will ever do, have, or accomplish depends on what’s going on inside your own head. So if you want to see a different story outside of you,...

Make This Your Best Year Yet

Make This Your Best Year Yet

So are you ready to make this your best year yet? I don’t know about you, but I just love the energy at the beginning of a brand-new year. I love the endless possibilities that stretch out before me; the opportunity for change and to create something new, and the...

It’s Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late

One of the emails I recently received from a new email subscriber asked if it was too late for her to follow her dream. It’s a question I’ve received fairly frequently since launching Vibe Shifting and maybe it’s time we tackle this one head-on, and say,...

How to Touch the Heart of the World

How to Touch the Heart of the World

A brand-new year is dawning, and it's time for you to finally let yourself fly and touch the heart of the world! Give yourself permission to stop holding yourself back, and make this the year that launched everything for you... I’ve talked before about the idea of...

1447 Why Are Strangers More Supportive Than Family?

1447 Why Are Strangers More Supportive Than Family?

Today we are asking the question: why are strangers more supportive than family when it comes to our dreams? But before we do that, just a couple of quick announcements, the first of which is that I just had a guest post featured on Melody Fletcher’s Deliberate...

LOA Money-Manifesting Tips

LOA Money-Manifesting Tips

Following my experience as a guest writer on the Amazingly Awesome Pam Grout’s web site last week, I’ve been inundated with emails from new subscribers answering my question about what their biggest frustration with respect to manifesting their biggest dreams happens...

You’re Here to Be Awesome

You’re Here to Be Awesome

I saw a quote the other day that really made me smile. It said: “I’m not here to be average. I’m here to be awesome.” I immediately wrote it out and added it to my Wall of Inspiration (which is basically just a section of wall space near my computer that I have...

1446 Why Do I Keep Sabotaging Myself?

1446 Why Do I Keep Sabotaging Myself?

If you’ve ever been in that situation where you’ve been continually messing up big opportunities or totally destroying the progress you’ve made while working towards a big dream or a goal, then today’s episode is for you. Today we are asking “why do I keep sabotaging...

Becoming Certain

Becoming Certain

There’s a quote from Wayne Dyer that says “I’ll see it when I believe it.” And this, I have discovered, really is the fundamental, core truth that predicts the successful outcome of what you’re trying to create. Becoming certain that what you want is going to happen...

5 Tips for Getting Organized

5 Tips for Getting Organized

At this time of year I always like to take some time to look around my house and find ways of getting myself organized and decluttered for the coming year. I like to start the New Year with a clean slate, concentrating on all the possibilities that the coming year...

1445 What to Do When You Can’t Decide What to Do

1445 What to Do When You Can’t Decide What to Do

Today we’re talking about coping with indecisiveness, or what to do when you can’t decide what you want to do. And we’re answering a question that was sent in from Awesome K, who says: Hi Nathalie. I really can't seem to make up my mind. I have a dream /goal, and I...

Should You Let Your Freak Flag Fly?

Should You Let Your Freak Flag Fly?

The question of the day is: should you let your freak flag fly? We’ll get to why that’s the topic of the day in a minute, but first let’s define what it means to “let your freak flag fly”, because, honestly, I did have to Google that one to understand it. And the...

1444 Are You Addicted to Worrying?

1444 Are You Addicted to Worrying?

So the question of the day is: are you addicted to worrying? Today we are talking about worrying, and more specifically, why we should all just stop it. Stop worrying about everything. Because we do that -- we have this tendency to worry all the time about everything...

Do You Like You?

Do You Like You?

Do you like you? Simple question. But one that tends to make a lot of people squirm. For many people, it's one of the most uncomfortable questions they could ever be asked. I sometimes wonder why that is. Because, in a perfect world, the answer every single one of us...

The Road to Success

The Road to Success

So often it happens that we put off doing what we most want to do in life because we’re afraid that we’re not good enough to pull it off; we’re afraid that the road to success will be more than we can handle, or that we’ll never even be able to find that elusive path...

1443 Relationships and Law of Attraction

1443 Relationships and Law of Attraction

So, today we’re answering a bunch of questions that people have sent in about relationships and Law of Attraction. Our first questions deals with the possibility of using the principles behind LOA to fix a break-up and is a classic scenario that deals with that gray...

10 Meditation Tips for Beginners

10 Meditation Tips for Beginners

Meditation is a wonderful tool for decreasing feelings of stress and anxiety, and increasing feelings of peacefulness, contentedness and connectedness. It helps you stay present in the moment so that you can experience your life as it happens, rather than always being...

1442 How to Heal Old Wounds

1442 How to Heal Old Wounds

Today we’re talking about how to heal old wounds and tame all of those demons from the past. Because we all have them; memories from long ago that still cause us pain today. These experiences and memories will never go away, of course – they are a part of our past and...

How to Manifest a House (or Anything Else)

How to Manifest a House (or Anything Else)

So the question of the day is: how to manifest a house (or anything else) with Law of Attraction? Sometimes, when there’s something you REALLY want in life, and you’re doing all the stuff you “should” be doing – you’re visualizing, you’ve got your vision board set up,...

1441 30 Day Massive Action Dream-Building Challenge

1441 30 Day Massive Action Dream-Building Challenge

Last week I talked about how critical it is that you walk the talk with respect to what it is you say you want in life. In other words, when it comes to your dreams and creating a life you really love, you have to ask yourself how badly you actually want it. Are you...

Karma, Soul Lessons & Why We’re Here

Karma, Soul Lessons & Why We’re Here

I read a comment on someone else’s blog recently that really annoyed me. It said that all the horrible things that happen in people’s lives happen because of Karma; because they had to learn a “soul lesson” from the beyond. It was a very long comment and the poster...

8 Ways to Feel Better Fast

8 Ways to Feel Better Fast

One of my favourite LOA mantras is “as within, so without”. It’s a reminder to me that whatever is happening outside of me in my experience is a direct reflection of what is happening within me, on the inside. My external reality is a mirror of my internal thoughts,...

1440 How Badly Do You Want It?

1440 How Badly Do You Want It?

About that big dream of yours… what’s it worth to you, and how badly do you want it? Are you willing to go the distance to make it happen or is it just one of those things you like to think about as a “maybe someday”… a pretty little bauble that you like to keep on a...

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. It’s a rhyme many of us were taught as small children as a way to cope with being teased and called names by other children. We all used it, but we all knew just how hollow it really was. The truth,...

Why You Should Never Retire

Why You Should Never Retire

I used to work with a woman who had a countdown clock as her computer screen saver. It was counting down the days and hours until she could retire. I remember thinking how bizarre that was, even at the time. Her retirement date, incredibly, was still about five years...

1439 Creating Your Annual Action Plan

1439 Creating Your Annual Action Plan

As we head into the final two months of the year, it is the perfect time to start thinking about creating your annual action plan for the coming year; time to take stock of where you’re currently at and decide where you’re going to focus your energy over the coming...

Abundance, Money and Fear

Abundance, Money and Fear

On Sunday, I took a tumble on the hardwood stairs in my front entrance way. I have no idea how it happened. One second, I was holding my daughter’s coat out to her and the next second I was on my back and in a whole world of pain. (This is why you didn’t get your...

1438 Rekindle Your Determination to Succeed

1438 Rekindle Your Determination to Succeed

At some point along the path to creating a dream, every single one of us will reach a point where we’re ready to give it all up and call it quits. It happens. But the only way to guarantee that your dream will never become reality is to stop working towards it. Today...

Understanding the Emotional Scale

Understanding the Emotional Scale

Last week I talked about the emotional guidance system that we are all born with, and I explained that your emotions are part of a highly sensitive feedback system designed to help you keep yourself aligned with your highest good, and with Who You Really Are. As such,...

Gifts from the Universe

Gifts from the Universe

Someone gave me some really beautiful gifts this weekend; gifts that I might actually have overlooked and missed altogether had I not been paying attention. It was cold and rainy for most of the week, but Saturday dawned clear and sunny and not too cold to enjoy the...

1437 How to Boost Creativity

1437 How to Boost Creativity

Today we are talking about strategies to boost creativity, because this is not just a skill needed by artists and musicians and such. Creativity is not just about paint on a canvas or movement to music, it’s about looking at things from a different perspective and...

Understanding Your Emotional Guidance System

Understanding Your Emotional Guidance System

When we talk about emotions, we often speak in terms of “positive” or “negative” emotions, as if some of our feelings are “good” and some are “bad”. But, in reality, our emotions are neither good nor bad; yes, there may be some that we prefer to feel over others, but...

The Power of Why

The Power of Why

Huey Lewis may have believed that the power of love is a curious thing, but I think the power of WHY is far more curious. Why is such a tiny little word, but it’s such a compelling one. It’s one of the first words we learn, and the one we use the most often as...

1436 How to Create Wicked-Awesome Vision Boards

1436 How to Create Wicked-Awesome Vision Boards

Hello everyone – before we get started today I just want to say a huge thank-you to everyone who downloaded a copy of my book, Seven Minute Stress Busters, during the free-days promotion on Amazon this week. Because of your amazing support, my little book made it all...

What’s the Best Thing That Could Happen?

What’s the Best Thing That Could Happen?

Worry. We all know how useless it is, and yet we all do it anyway. Why is that, I wonder? It’s not like worrying ever fixed any real problem or made anything better in any way. And all our fussing and fretting over the future isn’t going to do anything to improve that...

The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention

Let me tell you a little story about the power of intention: on one of my vision boards for this year is a picture of the Amazon logo. It was meant to represent my desire to have at least one book on the Amazon bestseller list this year. Yesterday, that desire became...

1435 Dealing With Difficult Family Members

1435 Dealing With Difficult Family Members

Today we are talking about how to deal with difficult family members. More specifically, we’re talking about what to do when you’re in a situation where you’re trying to make some real changes in your life and it’s causing serious friction with other members of your...

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

I went for a walk the other day and a man passed me by on his bicycle. He had a big bag in one hand and a long stick with a nail in it in the other – he was picking up trash along the bike path as he cycled along, which I thought was nice. I continued my walk, and...

1434 Creating Order From Chaos

1434 Creating Order From Chaos

Today we are talking about how to create order from chaos or how to return some Zen-like sanity to the space around you. In other words, we’re talking decluttering techniques, because one of the biggest areas of stress in many people’s lives is being constantly...

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