1422 Public Speaking Tips for Life

A few months ago I had an epiphany while sitting in the audience at a music concert. There were a great many things that just clicked into place for me at that concert, and in today’s podcast episode I’m sharing with you three life lessons that I learned just by...

1536 5 Signs You’re on the Wrong Path

I got a tweet from someone the other day asking me how she could tell, for sure, if she was on the wrong path in life. Here’s the quick answer: you just know. If you’re not on the right path, you will feel it; in the core of your being, there will be a sense that...

1440 How Badly Do You Want It?

About that big dream of yours… what’s it worth to you, and how badly do you want it? Are you willing to go the distance to make it happen or is it just one of those things you like to think about as a “maybe someday”… a pretty little bauble that you like to keep on a...

Can I Manifest a Better Relationship with LOA?

As a follow up to my previous post about fixing broken relationships with LOA, today’s topic is all about how to manifest a better relationship with LOA, and it’s a response to a question sent in by an Awesome Reader who asks: Should I focus all of my energy and...

The Year-End Review: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Tis the season, and I’m not talking about holly and mistletoe. No, what it’s really the season for is introspection and reflecting on the year gone by. Yes, the end of December is the perfect time for a year-end review, for taking a few moments to look at what you’ve...

How to Make Divorce Easier

About a year ago, my husband and I split up. Aside from the obvious upheaval, grief, and having to adjust to new circumstances, it’s been surprisingly painless. Most people would think so, I suppose -- my ex and I are still friends, we help each other out as much as...

1319 Strategies for Self-Confidence

What do you do when you start despairing that you’ll ever achieve your dreams? You know that believing in yourself is the biggest factor in your eventual success, but what happens when you get hit with those inevitable moments of doubt that we all face at one point or...

What is Imposter Syndrome?

The guiding principle behind everything that I teach through Vibe Shifting is that “if you can dream it and believe it, you can always achieve it”. This is because if you don’t believe you can do something, you won’t even try (and if you do believe, nothing will stop...

How September Feels

New beginning. New focus. New start. New intentions. New results. This how September feels to me. It’s how September has always felt. In part I think it’s the sudden change is seasons that brings on the feelings; where I am, the shift from hot summer to the coolness...

1410 Working Backwards to Achieve Your Dream

If you’ve got a big dream that’s close to your heart the best thing that you can do to make it a reality for yourself is to first get clear about what it is that you really want, and then start working backwards from that end goal to figure out your sub-goals and...
When We Begin to Understand Ourselves

When We Begin to Understand Ourselves

Today's mantra is "understand", and I’ve been thinking about a quote from Thoreau recently. The one that says we don’t really begin to understand ourselves until we’re lost. “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ~Henry David...

10 Things to Give Up for the New Year

10 Things to Give Up for the New Year

‘Tis the time of year for the usual posts on New Year’s Resolutions and all the standard crap about changing your life by making yourself do a whole lot of stuff you absolutely hate doing just because someone on the Internet told you it was “good for you”. Here’s my...

Trust in Yourself and All That You Are

Trust in Yourself and All That You Are

As we set forth into this brand-new year, many are feeling worried and anxious over what lies ahead. Today, I’m going to ask you to set that aside for a moment. I’m going to ask you to let go of all that fear and to trust that things will get better for you, and for...

Why You Need to Rest, Recuperate, and Realign

Why You Need to Rest, Recuperate, and Realign

So, I’m starting a new thing here on Vibe Shifting. I think I’ll call it #MantraMinded. Every week I’ll be posting an article focused on one specific word or quote – something that has resonated with me over the prior week and made me stop and think. I’ll share my...

Manifesting Rituals for Creating an Awesome Year

Manifesting Rituals for Creating an Awesome Year

I’ve got a fantastic guest post today to help you with creating an awesome year. This post comes from the lovely Milica Vladova, author of Toxin-Free Homemade Easy Beauty Recipes, who is sharing five manifesting rituals from her homeland in the Balkans. These powerful...

Happy, Healthy, Hopeful Book Giveaway!

Happy, Healthy, Hopeful Book Giveaway!

The New Year marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. It’s a chance to start anew – a chance to put the past behind us and step forward into a brighter tomorrow. And I have an awesome new book giveaway to help you start your year the right way!...

How to Stop Your Inner Critics

How to Stop Your Inner Critics

In previous vlog episodes you’ve learned to recognize your inner critics (gremlins, I call them) and you’ve learned that you need to be able to conquer those voices of doubt so that they don’t derail your dreams. In today’s vlog episode we’re talking about how to stop...

Inner Critic or Inner Wisdom?

Inner Critic or Inner Wisdom?

When I’ve talked about gremlins in the past, I’ve had people ask me how they’re supposed to tell if that voice they’re hearing is their inner critic or their inner wisdom. How do you distinguish between gremlins and what I usually refer to as “the whisper within” –...

Why We Must Speak Out When Darkness Falls

Why We Must Speak Out When Darkness Falls

All right. The Trump article. You knew it was coming. I have struggled with this post for two weeks now, trying to come up with something to say that wouldn’t just add to the darkness and despair that so many are currently feeling. But I cannot stay silent on this any...

Getting to Know Your Gremlins

Getting to Know Your Gremlins

Getting to know your gremlins is important. Your inner critics are powerful creatures, and you need to be able to recognize them, or they will derail your dreams. When you’ve got a big dream in your heart and you’ve made the commitment to dedicate yourself to making...

Beware Your Nasty Inner Critics

Beware Your Nasty Inner Critics

If you've got dreams to build or goals to achieve, you need to stop listening to your nasty inner critics and start listening to your inner voices of hope, instead. If you've ever compared yourself to someone you admire and wondered how the hell they got to where they...

1621 Focus is the Key to Productivity

1621 Focus is the Key to Productivity

Today we’re talking about the key to productivity, and that key is FOCUS. Being able draw your attention in to one thing without getting distracted by competing priorities and other shiny things. [powerpress] Back in the spring, so April, May, June – I was finding...

Gratitude is the Foundation

Gratitude is the Foundation

Gratitude is the foundation for your future success. Appreciation for what you already have, at whatever stage you’re at, is the key to creating more of anything that’s important to you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting more (of whatever) in your life,...

1620 Simple Productivity Hacks

1620 Simple Productivity Hacks

Today we are talking about super simple productivity hacks that you can use to keep yourself organized and on track with all those little things you need to get done every day. I think most of us have had the frustrating experience of being overwhelmed with a big “to...

Your Dreams Are Never Wrong

Your Dreams Are Never Wrong

Your dreams are never wrong. There. I've said it. It doesn't matter what it is you want, or how different it is from your friends' dreams or your family's dreams. And it doesn't matter how different your dreams are from what you think they SHOULD be. Your dreams are...

1619 Finding Motivation That Works

1619 Finding Motivation That Works

Today we’re talking about finding motivation that works. The right kind of motivation, in other words, that will keep you working towards your dreams and goals even when you don't particularly feel like it anymore. [powerpress] Motivation is a very personal thing –...

What is Imposter Syndrome?

What is Imposter Syndrome?

The guiding principle behind everything that I teach through Vibe Shifting is that “if you can dream it and believe it, you can always achieve it”. This is because if you don’t believe you can do something, you won’t even try (and if you do believe, nothing will stop...

1618 Go Ahead and Get Mad!

1618 Go Ahead and Get Mad!

Today we’re talking about why it’s perfectly OK for you to go ahead and get mad – at yourself, at other people, at the world, at the Universe at large. When you’re in my line of work, and what you do is focused to a large extent on positivity and mindset and such, one...

Big Changes, Big Benefits

Big Changes, Big Benefits

It’s back-to-school day for my kids. My littlest one started grade one today. I’ll admit I had a bit of a “mommy moment” on my way back home this morning. There’s no denying it anymore -- my baby is no longer a baby. That bittersweet thought, of course, was closely...

Procrastination Busting Strategies

Procrastination Busting Strategies

What do you do when you know you've got to get stuff done, but you just can't seem to make yourself do it? You know that action is critical to success of any kind, but sometimes you just fall into those funks where you find yourself avoiding the things that will bring...

How to Cope When You’re Afraid to Succeed

How to Cope When You’re Afraid to Succeed

In the last couple of videos we’ve been talking about fear of success, where it comes from, and how to tell if it’s something that’s holding you back from turning YOUR dreams into reality. Today we’re going to look at ways of dealing with the hidden thoughts that are...

How to Tell if You’re Afraid of Success

How to Tell if You’re Afraid of Success

Last week we talked about the idea of being afraid of success. Sometimes people are more afraid of actually achieving their big dreams and goals than they are of failing to achieve them. https://youtu.be/cTHS645ESUM We’ve also been talking recently about how your...

1617 How to Get What You Want

1617 How to Get What You Want

Today we are talking about how to get what you want in life. And I’m going to share with you the single biggest thing that I have learned about just how to do that. Are you ready? Because here it is – the single most effective thing that you can do to help you achieve...

Do People Really Fear Success?

Do People Really Fear Success?

Most people are familiar with concept of fear of failure. But for some people, it’s not failure that scares them most, but the fear that they will succeed. And while the fear of success is actually one of the most common fears out there, it’s a concept that seems...

1616 How to Stop Others From Making You Feel Bad

1616 How to Stop Others From Making You Feel Bad

Today we are talking about how to stop others from making you feel bad. One of the things that so many people struggle with when making big changes in their lives is the judgement they’re subjected to from other people. [powerpress] This is such a huge issue for so...

Love vs Fear: Choose Wisely

Love vs Fear: Choose Wisely

Last week we talked about how the realization that your mind, is a powerful force shaping your reality can be really scary for some people. When you realize that your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations have such an enormous impact on how you perceive the world around...

1615 Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone

1615 Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone

Today we’re talking about the benefits of moving out of your comfort zone, and how doing things that we’ve never done before, or things that maybe scare us a little bit or make us feel uncomfortable – things that stretch us a bit – how doing stuff like that can...

The Genie in the Bottle

The Genie in the Bottle

So with our previous videos about the biology of fear and how our focus determines our reality, we’ve pretty much let loose the genie in the bottle; you now know what your own mind is capable of, so how does it make you feel? Now that you know how powerful your...

1612 The Problem with Pessimism

1612 The Problem with Pessimism

Today we’re talking about the problem with pessimism, or why pessimism is such a counterproductive mindset and perspective to get stuck in when you’re trying to build a dream. [powerpress] High ideals gone wrong I see so many people out there who have such high ideals...

The Snowball Effect of Fear

The Snowball Effect of Fear

Negative thought processes act like a downward spiral. Dwelling on one negative thought almost magnetically draws more negative thoughts to itself, and then the whole process picks up speed and gets stronger with time, creating a kind of snowball effect that just...

1613 How to Be a Better Leader

1613 How to Be a Better Leader

Today we are talking about how to be a better leader – at home, at work, or wherever. Now, before we dive into this, I one of the things I mention frequently on my blog is that in order to find your truth, you need to be open to finding all the puzzle pieces that make...

What is Negativity Spiraling?

What is Negativity Spiraling?

Last week we talked about the biology of fear and how your mind doesn’t differentiate between real threats and imagined threats – your body will react the same way to real threats as it does to threats you’re just thinking about.  And we mentioned that what this meant...

The Biology of Fear

The Biology of Fear

In my book, fearLESS, I talk a little bit about the biology of fear. And for the purposes of the book, and when it comes to how your fears affect your ability to successfully build your dreams, there are only two things you really need to know: The amygdalae, are...

Letting Go of Attachment: Success Story

Letting Go of Attachment: Success Story

Today we are talking about letting go of attachment and I’m really excited to share a manifesting success story with you about how powerful this can be. I got an email a few weeks ago from a blog reader from Finland who had filled in a survey I sent out way back –...

The Right Kind of Action

The Right Kind of Action

You've been told that you have to take action in order to make your dreams a reality. In fact, I'm one of the people who keeps telling you this ad nauseum. And that's because it's important. You can't make a dream come true just by wishing that it was true, or by just...

1611 What to Do When You Fall Off the Horse

1611 What to Do When You Fall Off the Horse

Today we’re talking about what to do you when you fall off the horse with the whole building your big dreams thing. What do you do when you’ve been working really hard and then, all of a sudden, you just can’t seem to do it anymore? What does it mean and what do you...

Become a Dreamer Who Does

Become a Dreamer Who Does

Most people like to daydream about things – all the “what ifs” that fire the imagination and make life more exciting -- but they’re not generally willing to put in the kind of work and take the kind of risks that are necessary to actually build those dreams in...

Why Your Mindset Matters

Why Your Mindset Matters

Your mindset matters because your entire experience of life -- everything that you will ever do, have, or accomplish -- depends on what’s going on inside your own head. So if you want to see a different story outside of you, then you have to start with the things...

Do You Need to Conquer All Your Fears?

Do You Need to Conquer All Your Fears?

You've heard people tell you that it's important to conquer your fears if you want to be successful in life. But do you need to conquer all your fears in order to build your biggest dreams? One of the things I mention in my new book, fearLESS, is that you will never...

1610 How Does Visualizing Your Goal Help You Succeed?

1610 How Does Visualizing Your Goal Help You Succeed?

You’ve heard that visualization is a powerful tool for achieving your goals and building your dreams, but have you ever wondered why that is? How does visualizing your goal help you succeed? What’s actually happening in your mind and body when you visualize something?...

The Best Way to Make a Difference

The Best Way to Make a Difference

Here’s an interesting thought: what if your dreams are supposed to scare you? What if it’s that surge of adrenalin-induced energy that is meant to be a sign to you that you’re on the right path? Nobel Peace Prize winner and 24th President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson...

1609 The Key to Making it Happen

1609 The Key to Making it Happen

Today we are talking about the key to making it happen. We’re talking about the essential ingredient you need to know in order to turn any dream into reality. Now, about three days ago, I got an email from someone – this was someone in the publishing world - who...

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